Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1937, p. 44

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p. ni., enten .service. MIEETINGS Lînen, circle, today, 2 p. n-., wlth MTrs. G. A. Reinhardt, 1431 Lake avenue.. Martha Gulld., toda, 3 P.nm.; supper at 6 p. m, Open bouse. oa 7 to Il p. ni. Wlnnetka circle, Prldaye, '8 . ni., wiîh Mrs. John Dehmlow. 892 Cherryý street. Sunday sehool staff, Friday, 8 :15 p. mi. Church council, Wednesday, after -Lenten service, lnstead of on Tuesday. On Sunday niorn ing the Béries of sermons onl the Ten Connandments Will be continued. Thé comniandment to hé dlscussed 1la: "Thou shalt flot bear taise witneass againat thy nelghbor." The' brief explanation of Luther's cateehism, shows -how inucli wé have to learu from thls commandment. It reads- "We should tear and love God that we ftiaY not decltfùlly belle, betray, sander or defamne our neiglibor; bùt défend hlm,' speak wll of hlm, and put the be-t con- struction on everything (lie says and On Wednesday evening, at N 'lok the fourth Lenten service wiil be held. We shall consîder the wol'ds of Jesus spoken before Caiaphas and the icounili that condemned Hlm to death:' "If Iý tell you, .ye will not believe.- The Lutheran Hour at 1:30 Sunday afternoons le now being broadcast ovér a coast-to-eoac5t chaîn 'of 28 statio-ns, the local outlet belng WCFL, 970 ke. A Lénten service is also being broadcast every Thursday afternoon at 3 :30 over WAAF, 920 ke. You are, iliitc-d to 'Wllmette and For-et ,ivenue,4 Thé Rev. George D). Ailisofl,' pist'>r Thé "Chbain of Friéndmhip" iweeings- of our Woman's soudety are held this weék. Link F, of which Mus. P. I-1 Arden is leader, niéets this atftecii'n' '(Thursday), at thé home of Mrs. P)in- lhg. Wolff., 1ý07 EImwood avenue., wi th U P-A- enckrasitn.Link IZR On W.dnes4y, The Wednesday evening Lénten de- votionals have for theé 'theme ."*Great Prayers ofthé Bible.", Thenext mneet- Ing will, ré-.study the gréatest -of ail, "T11he Lord's Prayer." FrtPresbyterian Ninth street at Gréénleaf -avenue Jamnes T. Venekasen, m1Ilnister .At the morning worship service at ýil o'elock, the mnistçrwiil preach on the theme, "Profitable Pauses," a miedita- tion in keeping wlth Lent: We invite, youto worship wlth us The muffical programn for thé morniiig service, arranged by Miss Ermna Rounids, diector. will be as foilowis: prelude,. "Isle of Shàdows," Paînigren, anthei, "'i1 Waited For thé Lord,". Mendelssohnl, Miss Dorothy Rae, Mrs. M.'IR. Martin, and the croir; Solo, "Lead, Kindiy Ligh4t." Edward Otti, spolist; 1,otlude, "Marche Religieuse, Gounod. The Sunday schooi will nieet iu al departmentsý at 9 :30 o'ciock. The Aduit Bible class m-eets for- studyý of the lesson at 10 o'ciock. We are finishing next Suniday' the portrait of Jesus, "Thé' Preacher-Teacherý." We in- vite you to study with us. -Junior church, under the care ot Mrs. Walter Magner, will provide care for the chidren duiring. thé mor.îîing worship Thé New Trier Sunday Evénlng club wilI présent Branson De ('ou in "Drearn Pîcturés of London," Thé Session of the church will meet Monday évening at 8 o'cioek at thé home of thé minister. Thé Boy Scouts wil ii meet Monday The Girl Scouts wilI nieet Wedresday 'évening. sdappreelate the Friday- Holy Comninon 10:3 0 a. pI. 0 ylit wlth theni.I The women et thé As.toclated Guilhis ' rÇh 10, théenionthly will me>et each Friday -in Lent lu? thei English Lutheran Sévénth street at Greenleaf -.A 1House of Wovrship" Thé Rév. David R. Kabelée, pastor STIDAY SERVICES Church.i4'shool..............945 a. rn. Morning worship ...............Il a. M Junior Luther league.......... -.3 P. M. Senior 'Luther.,league.....6:30 P. nM. MID.WEEK ]LE 1N.1TEN SERVICE Wednesday evening .. .8p. n. The music for thé service neict Sunday morning is as foliows: Organ Prélude-Andante, 'Sonata i Anthem-Seek Ye thé Lord . Roberts Thé Senior, Choir Solo-O DiVine Rédéeérr...Gounbod Frank Dorband Postlude Maestoso, Sonata 1 .Harwood Victoria McLed-Ministry 0of Music We Invite the nefiéX5 rsto the corn!- *mun'ity to our Church school Whichi con- v'enes éaclî Sunday morning at 9A45 o'clock. Thére are' classes for ail ages. Thie "Christiatn Life" course is used.' Next Sunday miorning, thé third Sun- day iln Lent, thé sermon meditation wil bé on the Epistié for thé day, Epliésians '5 :1-9. Attend churcli regularly! Thée Confirmation clasa willi niet on Tuesday atternoon at 4 o'ciock. 4, at 2 o'cIOck,. The Senior choir ivill rehiearse Thursday evening at 7 :30 o'dAock. Thé Junior choir wili re'hearlst' SLtirdty morning at 10' o'lock. .abéai rendéi moake hé Sunday sehool meets uIt 94 5. ré are classes for childrén btenSu ages of kindergartén and thé hlgh oVisitora are' welcome,.. )erts,. o lirectlon of Miss director, is as, Prelude--Aldalite...... ..Cesar Franck- Anthém-"Lord, Have Mercy" . .Gounod OffertoIre Quartette-"Cofés' at. Timéis ýa stîlinéses"................ Galbraith Poslud-RééssOna....... Rousseau Kappa.,Pi Phi wlll meet at 5:30 p. mi. néxt Sunday évening.' A social hour fol- lows tife régular discussion périod. The Northwest circlé will méet at thé, home of Mrs. F. W. Taylorj, 918'Linden, avenue, Frlday, FebruarY, 26. M«Nrs. H. E. CoyI, Mrs. J. M. Jamiésoti aud Mrs. (1. E. Chronic wlll bé thé assisting hôst- esses. The' Cozy, Corner circle. will nîet at thé home of Mrs. F. H., Guy. 1.52i. Lake avenue, Thursday,, March -4. Thé, as- slsting hosté-ssés will. be Ms C. L. Darling, MrsB.,Paul Hoffnain, and A. ]K. .Mestjian. Th~e board of trustées will hold, Its regular monthly rmeeting "uext1WÔflda evefflng at 7 :30 ln the churcli parler. Thé Chicago Fellowship is hiaving a very important Couifer-etî-e Bour on Fr1- day, Februar-Y 26, at 19~ So. LiSalle ,street. 10 a. ni. promptly-Confereiué Hour followed by discussion: "Côoperatives"-Mt's. A. A, Martsky. "Churcli Women and thé Liquor Ques. tion"-Mrs. C. B. Fisl<. "Chut-eh Woméft and World 'Péac"- Mrs. W. M. Fuller and Mrs. Wilfred Çtturcn will supply cake-and oui womeui wnill furnish thé sandwiches. on You are most cordia'Ily invited to this ýonferenc-e hour. on Wve i nvite -you te our Chu rch SUchoo ings. Th-ré. are classés for ail ages. The B1eginners meet durîng the inîorning dgchurch service in thé churcli parlor. hé Wé Stereoptican slidés on Abrahami Lin- ýht eoln's life wîll be shown in thé World Mardi 28-LÉiving Eternally'" (Eàster ýu»day) Thé second of, thé Lénlten Midweek

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