COON LUY MORTGA^GE IANKING. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. K. Roe, 835 Linden âvenue, returned to Wilmette Saturday from Elorida.,,They were Sone ýahnost seven weeks and spent mnos of that time in -St. Petersburg,. althongh they toured allthrough the state. Iow Contractors, Doroisa PhOt" school auditorium, Glencoe, oit March 1, uwder the auspices of the North Shore' Progqressive Education association and -the Giencoc Trachers' club. 1 Read, Price 10e F'ou liai Purchase jr at SNIDER-CAZEL DRuG Go. 1167 Wilmette Ave.. Wilmette. 111- Miss Davis has studied-both in Ger- iany. and in the United States. In the )rmer country she studied ini the Wig- ian school and in the United States ith Doris Hunmphrey, Charles Wide- ian. and Hanva- HoIm in New York. rei'ruarv Zi Dr. Paul £nt ü-f G('pn uni.versity is vice-presiclent; Miss Eliza- hetb Bredin of Highland Park High schlool is secr tary; and Dr. Louis Far- wéll of the National College of Educa- tioli. is treasurer. lIn i arge of the prograrn as repre- National Education asso- 1 OfU 0 %-4 .x£L 1U& £1I uary 25 in New Orleans With You" Grand, Fun crence of the progressive Yu Cn' Take It with You" bas )citio inSt. Louis on cîa~on marrived in Chicago with a bang, dupli- cating ifs sensational New' York suc- nes Misiier, superintend- cess. This cornedy by Moss Hart and ,schools, is presideut of rePorsieEua~ George S. Kaufrnan, presented by re roresiv E dcaio Sam H. Harris with a special cast full Phone GLrnvew 524 of her bridge nesday. J for