gettig th, best of Y"'u Mette 7.Isral appoifltmneflt for a, scalp trteatnîeflt and facial (ncluding back, shoul- der and meck maaoge) will1 do for .yôur spirite! PhonoWIa.f.79 Wilniette buty shOP 1137 Central Aue. patr,ànize Our Adivevtsers I4elle Photo Sprg iy ad ~ecuio*~fY ~~utsifmgqe .jiwt j iei heoÊÎ alid zwomieptat the Shazî,;ee Cosntry cluib arc eager to get 1 i .to prime shape for thte seGJOfl's a ctl"ziti»es. he;ice this drivvg class d i e r, Mrs. IV. C.~~de t/te expert tutelagè of instructor Floyd Jo.hpiston. 1»t th e class, fromz le! t to rigilt, Mrs. 0. W. Turne, rs. W. C.i A Stopie, Mfrs. Nelsonz G. [,ettlipi.q, Mrs. Richard Hozwel , Mrs. Edaar Seuill, Mrs. R. Lippikncott, Mr.WlimA Biel. Mrs. C. A. Bruch, Mrs. Irwvin A. Bliet.?, and ,I rs. Royal -4. Buchina"fli. ivivinIM Du ~~~therefore, is to secure a large enough rsmnSpo re KEEP RECITALS! advance sale of season tickets iinriedi-Fr hm n S hOre ately, t justify the Recital cu)mmittee JVilI Pr es e nt D rama IS CHALLENGE TO in proceding with arrangemients for a'Pogas hsWe __ --~ 193-198 i-\Nxt Fridav and Saturday the New li Evanstoft Lt'. The OLU DOMINION ROOM n of these o a close, aste ar pro self -ap- of v *-tzens -" for the reguliar seasonl and Cordon Van Kirk. Robert Harper be a reserved section of and C, Herbert Jones have been super- (not numbered), which vising student stage crews and the il 8 -45 for the holders preparation of the setting. ýason tickets, the price Tecas $each.Th at are as follows: ,kets niay be procured before any concert bv Frlay night--directeu by M. N an w'o or more season tic- Kirk. -~ Dvst& & Hiuma Ave. ZRVM<STON H op.uwe 1 dby A. A4hiufrIa we van gtci sure'a su cces 461%e mol i seasiL lu nction of this commnittee, ti ----- 511 Washington avenue anld William K. Gilbert of dagter, Beverly, and son, L. renue returned o WiZ; are new residents in the village yf rom a fotnight i ng moved here recently f rom. and New York. delphia. ai r el el ti T T a!