W. i'týe you fo-inspeot Our Wbeautif ully 'modern salon. Magic Brain and Auto Radios, Sound Systemts L7 t V tTubes and Hih Fidelity Records - Radio's Greatest NaTme Your Guarantee- 897 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods Winnetka 687 * /. /* e h LIMA BEAN niost celebrated artis.ts right here in r the New Trier auditorium. ThisC privile ge, was madle possible bY theC efforts of the Artist-Recital cm mitteeý of the Winnetka Mugic club who have undertaken single hande d the task«of securinigthe season's sub- scribers 'while the subscribers' have taken the continuance of* these de- lïghtful concerts for grantéd. In another ,column of this paper will be found the notice which. was in the programs of the last concert given by Myra Hess'on Monclay last. It had been annoqunced at,.a previous concert- that , the Artist-Recital. series were to be discon tinued at the, close of this season because of lack of support by the residents 'of the north'shore. There was much feeling arnong the audience that an organiza- nuach to bring pleasure and musical opportunity to the. north shore. Representing these subscribers, a *new auxiliary committee formed it- self to endorse the able management of the concerts and to try to reach north shore residents who have not been giving their support. This coin- miteis merely a nucleus of. a larger of Wilmette "arvou".......... ' character of their home 'town-Wit- ness Belmont -harbor s urrounditigs. At p,'resent the harbor iÎs large enuhPoorn eeds, an occa.sioail dredging, as heretofore, . ealn h Coast Guard to carry on the littie, that is required of them. .As to ýenlargiiig the park, how ridculus!Itis too large now. I doubt if very manyWlmteei dents know it is there. Hjaving lived opposite for twenty-two. years, I knowî whereof I speak. .It is used ex- clusively- by out-of-town, picnickers on Sundays and holidays., These. noisy. visitors make themnselvesat home, leave plent-y of debris, and jm-* pede traffic by parking on Michigan avenue inistead of the alloted space. For these outsiders we must provide extra oficers on Stfndays and extra cleanup men on Mondays. And ail this when we can't afford to sprinkle the grass. When this park was first developed it was a delight to the eye, and so it remained for many years. What is the reason for its decadence? Perhaps it would be better to let part of it f ail back into the lake, as one of your corresponde nts fears,, artists of the nign st type nil u r UI il- .- ia-- - - .own community and at such reason- -A Resident able rates will flot be lost. Those wishing to order tickets or Floughteling, 731 Prospect avenue, secure further information are in- Winnetka. The Artist-Recital series vited to communicate with Mrs. J. L. mnust flot be stopped !-Subscriber. t WITH Iwith the weakening River Inn ini I ~ IT TEStenth place. tnlg BOES Team Won Lost Pt 1 1 Schaefer's Tavern -.... 43 17 .717 t', Ge..B. wimiter, lute, 1144 Central Av, A hp pool Stortel U1Uulen Ave.~ q. e Pol torb, I .1lécentral Ave. p*4U0V8 Nket, B14Eiue Ave.. A & F ood StOre, Greeni Bay B.otdj af ter vtahantly struggling the last MisHlnobertredthr Kenlworth few weeks for a higher position, seem MisHlnFre éuedthr Cenra Ae. to be 0osng out and are in eighth. home in Oak Park on Monday after AA;PFod store, 119cetalAe place, l6 games out of first and 6 spending aweek as the guest of her A.S.Va euei,154Ceû1 . games out of second place. Johni's aunt,, Mrs. George. Shipman1 432 Place is holding, down. ninth place Warwick road, Kenilworth. .1 I. I..