rIkELLA LLOW .CLINO 'PEACHES No. 2/2 colas 14ORIE CED PINEAPPLE. ER CUF IT WAX BLêNS e. 'e * * No. 21/2 Cons **No. 2 Cws * * * Ho. 2 Cons e e e e e e plut, 2 - .or 471c 2 . for 43C 2 . forl29C e e 2 or 29 c g ee e37c, r ItS SALE FOR AItCH 4m 5 and 6 MInis ARICH. SoieI COTTAGE bINNER. euou..........Zfor 63e White meat of chicken with noodies, pes and carrots. SPANISH DINNER. .ris......2 "63c b. e e e S e e * e ** 8 Doz.pkg. 3lce 0 1 4 oz. hoffle 2 Ifor" 'ORNUD BIEF, Boueless Briske, IRLOIN STEAK, Fimost Prime Beef e e e *e IL. * ee elb. 43e .lb. RCH 4, i1937 TED PEAS OSSAL ýE OLIVES: