of tnat pertIu, New rr-- to 9. They soon forged to the front, making six points to the foe's one in thesecond. The lead shifted a couple mnore times, neither team showing, mnarked superiority; -Field goals by Deacon and Fitzgerald and a free throw by Skilien kept a one-point lead, 20-19, going into the final frame. :Only Deacon was able to score be-ý fore 'the gameé ended, however, and Highland Park tallied twice, on 'bas- kets b.y Davis and Gisen. New Trier used only five 'players. Each of these scored at least-.two points. Art, Cruttenden had seven. as did Johný Deacon. The smail flooîr, theý overhanging balconies, had muclt to do. with few, points being scored. On Saturday morning the Ne w Trier junior varsity. using seniors Don Stilîman, Art Neilson, "Chuck", Thorsen, efeaed vanas1rn 34 1t 19,. Stiliman scored 12 points to f urnish a good portion of the grey-greell at- tack. Fireh-Soph Highland Park's freshman-sopho- more basketbail team proved too good on their owti floor, downing' New Trier's championship - seeking bas- keteers. 27 to 14. Had the Trevians been able. to win, they would have tied ithOk Park 'for first place in wih31,..salely away u uu:an Tech's 8 New Trier garnered, 14 p oints. Rockford followed with'.10 . The reàtults,,ofthe meet wereaI- most'exactly as predicted except for the disqualification.* of tie. mediey. relay team 'whi'ch finished first. New" Trier'sanchor man, in his anxiety teý get' a fast start in. order, te keepý ahead of Maine's speedY fre-syi mani, left the edge of the pool before Henschel, breast stroke swimmer. had touched. Most of. the crowd noticed the foui immediateiy, and se,.too.,did the* judges. Amn.ong the swimmers there was no tendency .to blame anyene for the mistake. A victory in'this event Would 'net have altered the standings one. Whit. HeIiichel Is Winuer who had put faith in bis abilitv. lii&1 best- breast stroke swimmer Illinois high' schools would offer trailed him to the finish in the 100 yard event. Fred is a Junior. In the back stroke, at the samne distance, Mark Follansbee finished inches ahead of Roosevelt's Kiefer and Pat Conway of New. Trier. Mark's victory had been hoped for but.had. neyer seemed a certainty. 24.2. 200 yard free~ style-i. Ebeling (Lane T1ech.), 2. Risser (Maine). 3. Anderson (Peoria Central), 4. Amu1ndsen (Lae Tech.).- Tlme2 :78 100 yard back strokce-1. Follysbee (Newý Trier), 2. Kiefer (Rooseet>. 3. Conway (NewTr-fer), 4. Wehrheifll (Liane Tteh). Tirne I1:07.1., 100, yard fee style-l. Jaretz Lane Tech.), 2. Zarrien. (Maine). 3. Stegfer (Maine), 4. Klein (Waukekafl). 'lime Fanclfg Divng -1. Holquwt (Oak, Park), 2. Wilkinsonl (Maine), 3. Gut- gwlller (ooseveit), 4- Werne~r (M'aille). 150 rd medley relay-l. Maine, 2. Lane Tech., 3. Peoria .Central, :4. ý,La Salle-Peru. Time 1:-26.9. Advis'or, Board Me mbers of Masonic Lodge Named Names of Wilmette men appointed to the advisery board of the local Masonic lodge were announced this w e . -T 4iey -4i nc4 u de E , Ç C az çl,. . George F. Iliff, D. E. Allen, jr., Nor- mnan W. Smith, Paul C. Dever, Orville G. Daily, Raymnond, W. Swigart, C. P. Dahnke, and Robert E. Kennedy. PRESIDENT Miss -M yrick is a most ïnteresting and well knQwn speaker and in view of.. her position is7well equipped to present this subjeC. the Pre-Sýchoel circle wiII ineet at the home-of ým. jack AllenMills, 2029 Chestflut avenue, Tuesdayý evc- ning.,March 9, at,8 e'clock. Dr. Paul Witty, psychologist associated vith the 'Northwesterll Schoel of Educa-, tion, w ill address the group on, the subject -"How Children Lea rn."-' .If your name is. not on, the calling ist of this group and, you wish' to. a ttend. the meet-ing, kindly -cal Mrs. Edward Matot, Wilmette 328S.* Daughter Born on Mother's Birthday Th .e infant daugliter o~f" 'Mr. atiîf Mrs. J. W. Vaughan of Chicago was borni at the L'ying-Ifl hospitai Feb- ruary 24, the birthday anniversary of ber mother, the former 'Miss 'Mar- jorie Smythe. The baby, wvhose maternai grandparents are Mr. and~ Mrs. W. H. Smythe of 43 Kenil- wôrth avenue, Kenilworth, has been named Nancy Smythe Vaughan. Mr. Smythe has just returned home f rom *Rigo's unoffcial record for 12 One of the most seveeowso league. games is 161 points. This is the'entire' meet as far as the Trevians better than 13 a gamne and good weire concerneil was Stan Jones' enough' to lead the league. failure te place in' the diving triais New Trier iumped to an early lead, Friday afternoon, Figured at least 6 te 2. at the quarter. But after third best in the state, Stan had a tying at the haif begante fade, mak- very bad day on the board and was ing onlv five points te Highland unable te qtialify. Park's 18 in the second-half. However. Jack Davis. a member The second string fre-h-soph, led of the freshman-sophomore team, did 0 O. O 0 0 1' 00 0 ilove, g ynton, g wfeb g el, g 22 41 0 2 ô00 1 0l initiated into Delta Gamma sorority this week at the University of Ini- diana. An honor student at New Trier, Miss Johnston is continuillg with ber scholarship record in col:- lege, and received the Delta Gammta ring awarded te the freshiman in the chapter whose grades for the first semester were the highest. She isz the daughiter of M.r. and M.rs. Harry k in tnt ýctûmy. Shospi le WVIII a wing a ton- * Mrs. eatrice i2 I : i