mani, has been jn the southe southweSt,. east an(' oin the west.coàst in'recent months appeariflg as soloist. ACCOMPaflyifg him :,is a quartet corn- poe f violin, viola, ,ceillo,- and, flute. The artis in the quartet arte, mariy of t hem, on e h have furthered their musical careers and ob-. tained special recog nition -through their associa-, tion with Salvi. In arc, te hrpist is giviflg îhree recitalSn Ariztna, eight in California, and several mnore in, the states of Washinlgton,' Idaho, and Utah'. The fis'wo weeks in October he spent ilu Tennessee,. Alarsa, Kentucky, West Virgiflia, North Carolina, Perinsylvania an dOliad loe this tour with a, concert in Milwaukee. Early in the winter lie 'was heard in concerts in the southerfl states of Florida, Mississippi,. North Çarolina. and Texas. These are but a portion of the engagemeflts 3alvi is filling, durinlg the 1936-37 season. 'This ôustnirk artis,,,,Yvo has made bi'; home on the north shore for the past tn yars was born in Venice. The son of a manufacturer of harps, he becanle interested in the instruments in his f;ther's own shop as a - very small child, and by the timne le reached the age of ten was playitig in recitals. The f ami1>' later mnoved to Viggiailo, a small village near0 Naples, and Salvi attended the Naples ConservatOry of Music, corn- pleting the eight-year course in five years. Whei.n arely out ofhis teens he camne to Chi- wor tween bis studilo, hs a"Il At present lie is much interested in motion pic- tture machinles and photography. In bis studio are to be found an organ; a splendid electric phongraP forsymponY ecording, two large harps? a smnall Irish harp which bis siail daugh- ter is leariling to play', and an unusual array of autographed photographs of President and Mrs. Coolidge and other celebrities. Salvi has played - -,m tr f timnes at the White House and bc- g,.... . . . .. . ner NteciiW CPP m . M endel . ......... . ..... schers< Làove lm s87p , ses'l ... - ---y- Mrs. Herbert Mulford M . p rl theaternu" C. C. Carnahan. The program forteferol Nwiillbc as foIlows: Wir lauen il An Elnem Ott. Ric. von JCsl1417 Iealla, Dem propheten, Vas Gp. ah .Luhe .~ Jesu Mel. ne Freude ......... -1C52r9153 Bc Fine Fests Burg stht Unser GOtt..... uhr12 HerzliCh Thut Mich Ver1lXngen nËc (Mdeal Ppýujar Song)....... ScheflBc scenes frQm "11,hengrîl........ W~e 2nd Act, Flfth $cene Act, Trhird Scene n1s FEecta GarrOf, Orgafls XI AUiItsefl Lîke as the, Hart Desireth.......... *. Agnus Dei.......... ismlr 1(viol! Objjgato Betty esmer Allelula (joyouS Easter Hyn, l7th Century) r.I i .. D~~orothY flae Cnlrîrs EÉjecta Gamnrofl at the Organ Lavecche Photo A.ppearIlU 4t# i, a,,, qffrtet coliposed of vio li;n, viola, . cello and fige, Aiberto Salvi 1 1351 .1 land avenue, Wilmettc, iworld. famous harPist, is traveling i .i many Parts of the coupîtry this seaso'i on concert totirs. Tite non th of Mlarch, he i. playing im Arizona, California, Washing- ton, Idahio, and U'tah. lane, *' is inter ka, and announces that if anyone ini hearing anything particular, be Eulalla Stade at the Organ Before.theCrofCLFrg Le Nil . . Laroux Salutation of the DawT'SeeFf (Words from the Sanskrit) Violin bigWeixelzbet Eulalia Stade at the Organ From the South 'N t ane D t His ..... .............eut Cavotte ........ .............. rct Pastoral----- . .,..Rogers ci lut niilJ t~ shore resi in4tèrestec in Enteirs Child's Portrait on Exhibition