Professor Tubbs states that the time has corne when the youho the country, from age .15 to 25, shotzld be so in- doctrinated witli the principles cf t h e American forrn of represen- tative governrnent that they will forever. be im- mufle to the on- slaughts of t h el myriad of subver- sive ag en cîe s which are active- Eston V. TuLLe ly advocating its abandonment and the adoption of an. taught. 2« Teachers >0f history and civics courses particùlarly rare in a strategin positionl to train our -young people to an appreciation of the real meaninig, Pt American citizenship. "3. The leadership of- the varlous chapters of the. Amferiai Youth league willi conduct forums for the benefit of the. mem bers of ýthe organization. These forums will serve as a clearing hôuse for ideas on ail questions that are of general interest. Oïl controversial questions, opportunity will be given to fair-minded and well-balanced partisans on both sides to- present their points of view. Ample. opportunity should also be pro- vide& for ful and free discussion by the leagu e membership of ail subjects con- sidered In the forum meetings In order that they iMay be better able to arrive at intelligent conclusions on the points at issue. "4. Mn an woen f i.e.*snnIied THE FUN.ST 0 F UITS- KINDIl to nign scnocl in every such try. The offi is at 1744 P Its objects a What til it is esta :ution in tht f the organ avenue, C tated as fi -try' M.ns L - alty tm n many splendid things we enjoy a P members of this great commonwea tha of ours are too much taken forC granted. "It is of the utmnost importance that definite steps be taken to developc among our young mnen and women in reciation of the rights, jriv- * Meaniug of Citiuenthip Under the heading, "The Meaning f American Citizenship," Professor 1ubbs proceeds to enumerate the Shts, privileges and opportunities ,hich citizens of the United States njoy uncler the present form of have 5" serviflg 'rs Of our ýcoultty; MSlK NO MOftEI Larmà