Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1937, p. 38

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circus days WiIl corne early to. EVanston this year when Koko, the ring-tailed monkey, Ieads aà cast-of New York performners to the stage of the Nationial COI- lege of Educationi in EvanstoTl for a performance of "ýTobly Tyler, 'or Tren VVeeks.iii a Cir- Laàst of a series of three plays pre- sented by the Clare Tree major piay- ers of New York as.part of the chlid- hood educatioflal.program of thé. col- lege. 'Tohy. Tyler" will b e présented on M,%arch 5, at 4:o'clock.,in the after- nff0011- The cast încludes several iainouý actor, froin the Broadway stage. james Tralbot, who11 plays the part of Tobv, has been a leading juvenile in ,he ea st for rnahv years. Parker 'Mils as the cruel "Job Lord" and Wendell W\'hitten as the 'Thin \Ian" are best reniembertd for their tours, with Walter Hampden in "Cyrano de Bergerac." *Patrons and patronesses for the play include: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris Barber, WVinnetka, MNr. and M-~ RflgmiCarenter, Lake For- a4- Mr1. K nnth L. Fox, Glencoe, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Vandervoort Gath- anv. Evanston, Dr. and Mrs. Earl E. Grahami, Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. joseph ~Haberkor11, Wilrnette. Mr. and Mrs., Howard Kruni, Ken- lworth, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nelson, %j, A !2'd 'rs 4Harold W. Legar&-Lovifg Photo jis BetIy Jiltz, 1620 Highland aven ue, is MnuSic charanfr " bene fit fashion show;, card party, and dance to be held by the Juniors of the Woman's Ca tholie Club of Wilmnette on April 2. Miss Diltz is engagiflg the mnusic for the fashionl showi and for the dan c. t t heir general fund, and tmis year LI1 ij benefit will take the f orm of a fashionN show, card party, and dance ta be .a hield f rom 8 until 12 o'clock the eve- ning of April 2. Members of the junior organizatiôn will be the mannequins for the fashion show and will model new spring styles in formai gowns,, Zeiss is hostess for the afternoo11. Dr. Sachar is historian, biographer, and educator. 1lie *has written, and' traveled, exte.nsivelY, jùst 'recently returning from a three months' tour of investigation in the chief trouble, aréas-Austria, Poland, and the Baltic States. Educated at Washi 'ngtofl and Harvard: universit.ies, with three years of graduate work a t the, Un iversitYv of Camyb ridge, England, and holding- the degree of doctor of philosophY. he cond the faculty ' of teUi vers.ity of, Illinois in 1923., Dr. Sachar is said ýto be unusually appealing as a speaker and has often been recalled year after y;ear in mrany of the large cities. Lodge Party Wilmnette Rebekah lodge No. 610 1. 0. O. F., has .announ.ced a public card and' bunco party ta be given Wednesday evening, March 10,. at 8:30 o'clock at Odd Fellows hall, 1217 Wilrnette avenue, Wilmette. There will be prizes and refreshmients. ng in the Mlarch 5 attend. schooi. ian rP AIl mothers are urgeAI At Neighbors Mrs. Geor ge E". Shipmafl, re- gent of the Skoôkie Valley chap- ter of: the Daughters of the. American Révolutin10 il n tertain* the ýchapter at her homne. 432 Warwick road, Kenil Worh on .Monday, March 8.. ThereQ vill ýbe a, buffet luncheon. at, 12 :30:,followed by the regular mnonthly meeting. The' as.sisting hostesses are, Mrs. J. Kel so, Farl*ey, J.,and, Ir S. Alfred K rae me r. begvn h rogram, chairmnan is MUrs. Vernon Welsh. The conserva- tion chairmail is' Mrs. Farley. Mrs. J. B3. Olwin is ini charge of the chiap- te's work for Elli s lamýd. Last week, the Skokie ValleY chiap- ter was responsible for giving out tlwý I.A.R. nianuals for citizenshlip (pub-, lished .bv the national society -of the D.AR. in many languages. for. for- eigners seeking to bccome citize1)' of the U. S.) down in the natuiraliza- tion courts, in the Post Office build- ing, Chicago. MNrs. William A. Dur-, gin. Americanisnm chairman, wvas iin charge* Tuesdav, Mrs. IFýarlev Wecl- 1 Xf-- (r.--- N 4 tf1 ing, Id ucL to German. Yiddish, Italian, Bohemiatn. Polish, French, Norwegian, Swvedish., Russian, and Sp.anish were asked for and given free of charge. each day. to those who wanted themn. The nianuial containis. among other thi.ngs, the prea mble to the Declaration of Inde- pendence, a brief history of the U1Tnited- States, its governnlent, state amitte. Harry P. Harrison will give ount of ibe conference hédd ,ek in Chicago on better per- i governinent. -pon fs vices." smiears ai at even bis, head.flad on it. He was on bis an last

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