SoulHaeaAcon With hisBn Coide afewoftheadantagesý in do ing your banking here: *We offer you complete b*uiking service. Every service you ca<a get in a bank . . . you ean get in this bank. *Our banking hours are unusually accommodating particu- larly t o the commter ... 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. daily except *You eaupark your. car readily at ail time ... our custom- ers tells us this alone is a great advantage espe cially in bad weather. out of towu, or any other reason for flot coming nk ~ we supply you witÏh'our special BANK Momber F*eral fl*posIt InsuVm.nceCoarporation WiLMEigTELuFE b it .11 s, SI Il