Threwll-be -a*group,,of.sonigs 1by Mrs. R ay molid J. \iese, accompanied bw Mrs. 'Paul . Kelley, -also some instrumental mWusic and some tap dancing.. The program is under the direction of Mrs. J., Dean Vil. These pr ograms. are giv en o -n ce a nmonth beginning in October and end- ing in May. The Womat.'s clubs 'of Winnetka. Wilmette, and-Kenilworth. and ýthe Skokie Valley, chapter, D.A.R., are each responsible for, two of theprograms. TNwo future D.A.R. hroadcasts, over, WBBMB on Saturdayýs at 4 o'clock mill he given M,ýarch 13 and March 27, Eastern Star Activity i1fhé next meeti ng of Wi11Wlettte chapter, Order of, Eastern. Star vvill be "Friends night," on -March 15. Mr. and M.%rs. Roy A. Hopkins Iiave- moved to 1008 Greeneaf ave- nue, Wilmette after having resided ii -Niles. Center several years. \frs. Hlarriet M..,'Hosken is spend- inz a vveek wmith bier dauighter ini Michigan. March 1, the meeting conveped Presenting -SHARME ER Ho s o ,. . Miss Dorothy sentative of.- Mrs. Marv W. lones as associaie mnatroli. Mrs. Caroline Converse, granld lecturer. and seven past mna- trous and three past patrons were present. Three petitions for degrees were received. Mrs. Hallie B. Sm-oot, chairmpan of The County Fair. re- ported that she had received a ber of cash donations and m'aterials for the fair. 'Mrs. Maybelle Oak- xrwd. reDnrted that a nice sumn was the advantages of Bell, SProportioned Hosiery. Brev......for smnalls Modite....for mediums Ducess ........ for falls EDGAR A., STEVENsg lac. 1624 OrnlnAeIas. exclusive, xx .Ivansfon STE VIN S Stolte, style repre- Ir wUtl -M. W.J