Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1937, p. 42

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Francis Derby, -who, plays the part of Joe Corntasel o n 'Or- phan Annie"' and bas -been on the programn for foulr yearswl aecomlpafly -the cast of "Alad- din"l to Wilmette on March- 13, and will be glad to meet his ra-' k dio friends there, and autographi progranis for themi. Francis bas. Vbeena niember of the Ja.ck and Jili players for six yc.ars, and.bas appeaeed in "Gyda, and.,the, Wïz.r" "Wolf' Of Gubbio," "Hid.defl Treasure," Ida . Pe, "I-liaatha," "Gainer Gorton's Needie "and mnmer- ous oter ?productionls. Besides bis work in the theater and on 'Orphan Annie,!' Francis lias been heard on mnany other radio programns. He is a good imnitator, and bas somne-' titnes played as manv as two different characters on the same show. Hie 'was "Barrelhead" in -Skippy" and eveil substituted for Skippy hiniseif, wbe.n the other boy becamne ill. lHe was also the oy n ý he'Whistler an~d His of March Meetings The Ladies Aid society of St. John's -Lutherafl church xwill hold a businesS and social meet- ing at the church Itodayý. The sOý_ ciety announces that the circlé ,teetingS of the organizatioli for the m1onth,,ofMarch will be as follows; The Evening. circle, March 9, 8 o'clock at the homne of Irs Wlla Weiss, 2619 Lin.colflWOod drive, Ev- anSton' The Children'S circle, March ,2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Agatha Meyer, 75Z Sunset road, Winnetka. The: Winnetka circle, March 12, 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Johnl *W, Eb)erlein, 892 Cherry street, \Vin-. netka. The Social circle, March 18, at 1 ocokat the~ houle of -Mrs. William. *Rusch, 2512 Ridge avenu e, F-vadt§tii The Friendship circle, March 19, at 8 o'clock at the home of M,\rs. Paul Drebus, 2118 Central avenue, Evans- ton. The Linen circle, MNarch 25, at 2 *o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. K. iPriebe, 507 Park avenue, Wilmettt. The Young Mother's club, 'Marcli j29, 8 o'clock at the hom.e of Ms Harold Nlles, 1630 Central avenuc, likes electric trains, and is Particu- larly interested in inaking model air- planes. His one' dreamn is to bave a car of.bis own. Franicis' unassuming and retiring nature makes it difficâit to find out, ail about him, but be admits f urther that he likes bis school wotk, espe- Cially matheniatics,. and collects sou- -" >1t occasions. lie goes in Mrs. Duanc L. Petersroh, a. WViinnetkafl, is Pfesiidet of thd association of Galmma Phîi Beta tuhich sponsors the an Huai *sorority to be held Saturday e-vncing, 3Mardi .6,. at 'the Lake club at 6:30 o'clock.- ýe Board t of the A thletic Honor Guesis et Luncheon National and state officers and regents of the Four.th division of Daughters of the American Revolu- tion will be guests of honort at a * luncheon. Kaskaskia chapter is bav- ing Tuesday, March 9, at 12 o'clock, at the Chicago Historical so ciety. Members have the privilege of invit- and prestacli ot t the. Aluuuiae Arthur avenue.ý Birchwood aý *1 I i ~

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