Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Mar 1937, p. 44

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C.at t, t Morris udIoIhéto Mrs. Roland D. Hinkie, 51 Cres- cent place, WilmettL'. is general charmnan of the dessert bridge and style show, to be held at the WVom- ali's Club of F.vapnston Priday. March 12, at 1:30 o'clock by Pl Beta Phi sorority. Assisting lier are Mrs. Charles E. C11f ton. Jr., 2cii4e show chairman; Mrs. R. -H. Coll.ge Club Proqram Dr. Jouis J. Tint has been selected t» give the Dorothy Sardeson Clark Memorial lecture at the Chicago Col- 1.ee club rridav eveninoe. March 5,> Arrangements for the affair are in' the hands of Mrs. Cyrui Wili.iaMs, 541 jincoin avrenue, Giencoe; Miss Dorothy Somers, 1519 Hinman ave- nue, Fvanston, and Mrs. Stuart K.. Foj, .700 Forest avenue.,' Wilmette. Miss ýRuth Ray, an alumna of Gammna Phi Beéta, bas charge of the music and novelty entertaininit turnished, by the actives and aiumn .ae._ Mrs. Clarence Simon wiil be the toastmistress. The aiumnae recsponse wili be given, by Miss Marguerite Stokes, who. is weii-known for ber participation incampus and Evans - ton productions. The response for the classes wiil be by the foilowing: Freshtnen-Miss Mary jane Ray SophomoÔfm-Miss jeanntette' Nelsonx junior-Miss Marian Mansfield Senior-Miss Doraine Qberg Alpha Psi chapter at Lake Fores t SColiege-Miss Deiores Nordquist Dancing wili f oilow f rom 9:30 titi 1 for those who wish to. remain, and their escorts. The music wiil be fur- nished by Johnny Jones and bis orchestra. whé recently won. the Western lI- door Tennis tournament piayed at the Armory on the south side-of Chi- cago, and wbo, this year, is the rank- izug woman player in the middle west- ern states, is leaving Winnetka Tues- day to sail Thursday of next week on the Queen of Bermuda, with twenty of the other ranking men and wvomen Monday, ÂVadWI a., a 1*-i .- 185 North Wabash avenue., The sub-. ject of Mr. Schwarz's address lb "Proposed, Roads for -American Jewry.". A breakfast for new -members. and' their sponsors will be held at I Ô'clock in the Council rooms that day. Thig meeting will mark the culmina- tionp of the membership drive and the officiai Iauncbing of the camp drive. Council >camp',.at Wauconda, Ill., Wili this year celebrate its forty-first anniversary. The. camp affords -a programi of two-week vacations, for approximateiy ninie'bundred: mothers and cbildren each year. While Council camp serves primfariily for t he purpose of heali--building, it provides an in- teresting and varied program of play an~d educatiofl for chilciren and mothers. To rnake possible a fuil vacation season next sumnmer, the council is appeaiing to members and friends for financial support. Council camp :s the only camp for Jewish mothers and cbiidren in the entire Chicago area. Preceding the general meeting, the religious study class will meet uncier the leadership_ of Rabbi Charles . for N. S. Womans Club Mrs. Frederick H. Elwert, programi chairman .of the North Shore Wom- en's club, has arranged for a fashion. show in the afternoon of the ail day meeting Thursday,. March 11, at the Edgewater Beach hotel. There will be a showin2 ofday and Mrs. Claece Simnon of Evans- ton wvill Pr esidè as toastrnistresS at the Gamma Phsi Beta banquet .Sat- urdaiy evening. Marc/i 6, in thr .Iediterrakieati roons of the Lake Shore A4thlefic club, at 6:30 o'clock. ing at 10 o'clockc vedinesday, ÂU4rcil 10, at the home of MNrs. Leonard W. Stratton, .2316 Hartzell street, Evans- ton. Mrs. 0. M. Holen, Mrs. Williamn H. Wark, and Mrs. George R. Black- lburn will be the assisting' hostesses. The society bas recently purchased and completed the~ sewing on three The Robert Ludwig Missioniary so- clety. is having its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Irvin L. Porter,,900 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, Friday., March 5, at 1:30 o'clock. Mr. an d Mrs. Frank Barrett of 615 Essex road, Keinilworth, gave a dinner, party for twenty-four guests at their.home Saturday evéning. 'i ~ 4 I e. tero o, She is a John 0'(

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