*Il 'li el' Girl Scoutsý ti#rouiou eif te United Statles cfhaethe lin'eîzt v-fif lb anuiiversar ' of their to$>,ei;ii&) ini mauri fhe-v will 'be lîonoring Jitllt Gordon Linc, w/w ffiudcd the moven:ent Mi Savana~h, Ga., a. quarter oii tir a(P. Iii i verY coi.iiiiiiiitv îAierc G;irl Scoit- i n'y i s orga;ui:ed, oid-li,,iers n'Iîo kiiizt Airs. Loue will tell yoîeng ment- bers, of thte organication sanir of the countless , 'musing stories .about their versatile and «brillian-fly ce- centrie» founder. TOAD STOOL CLUB. The Toad.Stool club, an org anization of the -Brownie workers on* the north shore, will neet at Christ chnréhi, W in- netka, Friday, March 5, at 9 i45 a.m. Anyone interested in Brownies m'ay at- tend. *It is very interesing to note in the reports to the counil lthat several Scout troops either earnedmoney or conitrib-f uted nioney f roux allowances to send to. the Red.Cross, for use in the relief of flood sufferers. NEW POSTERS' The new 25th anniversary, girl Scout posters 17 inches by 22 inches will soon be on sale so that each scout can have one for ber room on payment of the sniali charge or they rnay be secuired at l¶T h tr6àjp i flettis. A gjnallsticker 1 ý1 inches by 2ý' inches uxay also be ordered fron, the scribes ini lots of fifty for ten cents. These are gumined on the back and may be used in various ways, such as on letters, programs, packages, scrap book covers, menus, place carcis, etc. In the February issue of. "Good House- AT RUMARKABLE PRICES These splendidly bound masterpieces of literaturea beautiful addition to any library. 734 inches tali.1 lustrous finish cloth with gilt tities and. designs crisp paper.. . excellent type and page size. situation, was qt Two of the ni Mrs. Low havei the colored cool When Liza Heni bed for two yeai and broken ber the 'jQrdon laumîIy. -efused to lea e her RADIO fter she had fallen On the ,Juliette, or Daisy, wIZ an he leading ecitorial in t ue of "The Woman's Hot evening of March 12 o'v theu'é np twor1c of NE THfE SCARLET LIETER ..............INathanil H awthorne THE ROMANCE 0F LEONARDO DA VINGT-Volume 1- Dmitri Merellcowski THE ROMANCE OF LEONARDO DA VINCI-Volume II- Dmitri Merefkowsld CANDIDE ..................................... Voltaire THE WAY OF ALL FLESH .................. Samuel Butter MADAME J3OVARY............. .......-Gustave Flaubert GULLIVER'S TRAVS.LS ................ .... Jonathan Swift SOLDIERS TIRE..................Ruyr ing are a Rich,