Alpha 1heta chnapter of Gamma Beta. essed over the previous year, with the '..,.- -cago areaý providing a substantial share of the 221,072 revenue passen-- gers flown byý United last Year. Sim- ult aneously, United announced it is increasing its facilities to provide 30 per cent more seat-miles this year than last. This is due to the placing in service of twenty-eight of the Iatést type Douglas "Maiinliniers" on its coast-to-coast and Pacific coast air- ways. TO SAIL, AROUND WORILD Miss, Elizabeth anid Miss Rebecca: Fitch. 1033 Elmivoodý. avenue",: Vil- -mette, are lea'%iig for the west coast today (Thursday) to sýail, irQul Los Angeles on March 9, on the Dollar, lines. Presidetit Harrison, for a trip ~aoifr th~e Wr . They, v-1F dock in New York the latter part of July. Before sailing they Nvill rnake a brief visit. with, and sister-in- laN, \l. and Mirs. Thomas Adams Fitch, and their tiNo children, ini Los Violet W'yld ôof 424 Warwick road, Keillzorth. suinits this picture Of "parkcd" gondolas taken by hei' in Venice, Italy. The view is taken from thc. stone 7çulk in front of the Ducal Palace antd St. Mfark's Square twith a vpieze of the, /slaei,of 0S. Giorgio'Maggoire in the distanlce. Spring cones first to Italy, oi.r travel btureau(s a re rc i'nding 'the EtUrpop-ý'ottlTd- fVrit tkesce days. Visit in East After Merrifields Home From liam A. Whittier, Sr., of tg road, Kenilworth, ne- ie last week from a West Plana Happy Florîcla V aca at the SUN SET Hotel ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA' Cobb and their st, Leon B. Sagers Enjoy corne f rom New Yg .Vacation in Guatemala soon as he finds a Mn. and Mrs. Leon B. Sager of 501 Laurel avenue, Wilmette, are on Enjoy Vacati ài wirter vacationý inGuatemala. Cen- Mard1i Gras ýork to join hîm as home for theni. on Trip to s and Panama Mfned H. Foxcnoft 1 by le, Wil- Sunday trip to, ey wvene ri b Dr. Jouri i.atravÏ.",Àý'merica4 They will be gone %il "A "te Mr. and Mrs.