4 rm. frame, h.-w. h., 1 b.,, maicio, amail price........ .......... 4,500 5 nms., trame, 1 b., b. a. h., lot. Cr bÔi, foreclosure, good loca- tien......... ...........5250 If moret» people knew, particularly young, people, hcw the government plan c libaniieng enables tbem te -have the home they want, at the Ïprice.- they can pay (montbly payments lesa than rent), (bést cf all monthly payments i.nclùde =ayents on principal, net just ent reita) then, we believe, the. building cf new homes, and the sale- cf homes that have been financed by this mùethol, would b. greaty accelerated. DonÈt think the prevailing bottom prices wIl ast much longer. We want ;yen ite *ct now! 26B. RH. BARNETT C2,ÇENTER ST. WINNCKA 965 il 1LTNq43-ltc AN EMBLEM 0F - 4 2-car ýLTY Co. Winnetka. 254 llLTN43-ltc 1.60 Center 545 MONROE AVE. NEAR KOI Club. Modern English brick.. 7. bed- rooms, 4%k baths 2nd i. recreation room. In excellent condition. Lîrge yard beaut. landscaped.' 2-car ga- rage. Houses Ilke- this can't be duplicated. $30,006. Might rent t8 destrable family. 510 Madison Ave.-Wiilte brick. Modern 4 bedroome, 3. bathe on 2nd floor. Large master bedroom withfireplace. Eextra roorm and. bath can be. added at very. littie cost. Make an off er. FREDERICK A COOPER 1505 Chicago Avenue Greenleaf. 3030 Sheidrake 3030 ATTfRACTIVE BRICfK AND STONE- 3 bedrms., 2 lbaths, htd. sun paâlor. 2-car garage. 1-. W. cil heat. Deep, landscaped lot. Biasy terme. Price $13,500.0e. INDIAN HILL CLUB SECTION ACCOUNT BLLDIN(G LARGE~R HSE. -Ow1ner willing to sacrifice bis 4 bedrin., 2 bath home.; H. W. oil heat. 2-car garage. Wooded lot. Splendid opportunlty. Asiing $13,500.00. doK>anda a large ,corner woddlot are offered a t a sacrifice price. The home hua 8 mroies(ail large)b enelosed porchesý, H. W. heat and cil humner. Owner leaving to*ft. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc.« EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1080 Wilmette 228 lI1LTN43-ltc $1,000 CASH BALANCE EASY MONT'HLY PAY- mente. Two story seven oom home.. LOT 50x165 in good Wilrnette location, near, echools and transportation. Cail Mm.,Jenkîns SHORE-TOWNS REALTYý CORPORATION 1003 Chicago Avenue Evanston, Gre. 2700 Rog. ]pI. ý6636 Wil. 608 $1,750 CASH BUYS WELL flUILT BRICK HOME. E. Wlnn. 4 Ige. bdrms., 2% tile btbs.; htd. sun rm. Open ecreened pcb. 2-car att. gar. cil ht. B & G hot watem. Own- er le practically glving this house away. One cf t4ie few remalning North Shore steals. WITZLEBEN REALTY 562 Green Bay Rd. Ketiilwortb 5540 1ILTN4S-ltc HEIL & HEIL: :0PE14 EVENINOS àAND SUNDATS 1322Chiago ve.Davis "1819 WOULD YOU? WOULD YOU LIKE AN. OLD- cm home built by owner to stand for ages -on* a large wooded lot if price wae $6,500.00 witb terme, of $2,000.00 cash and balance te suit? If so, act niow and calMr. Vos.. THE BILLS REALTY, Ïnic., 529 ýDAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Greenleaf 1166 Wllmette 3740 l11LTN43-lte» COMFORT AND CHARM IN A HOME FOR YOURSELF A Building Investmnent IN~ A BAUIUL BTNTR4 A L! for one price. Owvner leaving towfl desirous of selling hie beautifufly situ- ated home anld addftional building site on Skokie Club Golf course ln Glencoe offers thie rare combination at the iow price cf $24,500. Your inspection cf bouse anid grounds will convince you of its value and attractiveness. Glencoe 170, 670 Bluff St. 11LTN43-ltp Kenilworth - Near Lake A REAL BUY - OWNER movlng West, ,will seli- beau. Enghish brick,j bedrms., 2%1 fui, location.. rnew. 6 vemy large 2-car, cil. Wonder-. HTKA oad home, 5 bed- 1, 2-car gar. Large HARKNESS & LLOYD 584 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 177 11ILTN43-lte S. B. WINNETKA A CHARMING LITTLE HOUSE IN A neighborhood cf fine large hms bedrooms, liv. rm., din. rm., kitçhen.AI i-coms good size, and bouse well bulît. We believe lt can be puchased for lesF than $11,000. EAST 8 ROOMS, 2%q sun porch.1 Large epaclous ment. The pr, Our recommends bouse value on1 gate this c ppoi SMART M warranti outotanding 3re. Investi- ,E, Inc.