The answer is simple. A funeral inay cost as much or as littie as the desires and the financial cireumngtances of the familY warrant. In our display room we offer a wide choice of mer- chandise, alil reprsent ing f»11 value-forthe price. And the intangible elements of our service--symnpahY reverenean reiability-r thesame for airgrdless of cost. 1118 GREENLEBAF AVENUE Phne WiImette 654 >LADY ASSISTANT, DB LUXE AMBULANCE SERVICE 30 YBARS ON THE NORTH SHORE W INNETKA 554 CENTE R'STREET Mhont Wimnietke404 ANT Day or night, Sundays or holidays, Braun Bros. fleet of trucks is ready to deliver oil. Bad weather with its peak requirements has been anticipated. As Bros. custonier an adequate supply without interruption. iiundreds of North Shore people let us watch thefr cli supply. No extra charge for this depéndable serv- ice. "for fuel 8 12 Oak Street, Winnetka s use oil» Wilmette 831 PhonesWinnetka 3901, Cali WILMETTE 1800 Il Greenleaf 2180 I 1Glenicoe 100 ý ij !~ mmmmmmïmý