He bas made tbree compléte trips round .the ,wýorld. ,Hîs picttures are deýcribed. as mnarveîously beautif. Mr. 'White spoke, lost Sat 'urday * afternoon at tbe Union, League. club ohf Chicago before -an audience .of 600 _people, aIl of whom wereý delighted with bis program. On that- occasion he spoke on one of bis trips "Around tbe World." Season Closes Soon The New Trier, Sunday- Evening club. is nearing theclose of its twen- ty-tbird, season and last Sunday night More than .100 ,people were unfable to get in 'the auiditorium.at the high sçhool. On Palm Sw'iday an appropriate program bas been prepared, when Miss Marie Myer, who played the part of Mary Magdalet1f in 'the Pis- sion Play at Oberammiergau, will present "The 'Story of the Passion Play" in pictures. Burton Holmes March 27 Burton Holmes will close the sea- son Saturday evening, Marcb 27, with bis lecture and moving pictures on "Old Mexico." Mr. Holmes' date bhas been cbanged froni Sunday to Saturday in ,order to leave Easter open for the churches and also. be- %jLlr-l iku 5rMluS all a lA J * = t .tf C Recently a ire broke out in the dump which necessitated bard work by, the. Wilmette tredepartment to keep it under control. The action of the village of Kenil-. w ortb will. take. eff ect, it was an.- nounced, abou t june. 1.. Meanwbile, it was added, the community wil bave to look for -another,,dumpinig ground. Townsend Club to Meet >Frida y at Village Hall The Townsend Club of Wilmette will hold its regular weekly. meeting Friday evening, March 5, in- the council chamber of the village hall, at 8 o'clock. AIl members are urged to be present, and to bring their friends. Club meetings are always ~opent tathe public.?or l*citure and- information citizens may apply at 1125 Central avenue, or 440 Prairie avernue. Waukegan. The event will include rnen's singles, men's doubles,. and mns -singles for men over 35. years. An eâtry f ee is to be charged. Entry blanks are, obtainable at the f ollowing places:i',Cbancller's and Tommy Airtb,. Evanston;. Wilmette Community Center and Recreatioin office, Wilmette; Winnetka Com-, munity House; Glencoe Community Center; Boltwood Field House, and Northwestern university gymniasi-un, Evanston. SPEAKS ON BÙOOKS "Books-for Cbgildreni" will be the subject of the talk which' Mrs. Myron T.' Harshaw of Winnetka will give at the next meeting of the Parent- TeacheIr assoiaton of St.Francis Xavier school. The meeting will be held Friclay afternoon, Marcbh 12, at 2:30 o'clock in the school hall. Mulford Discusses Problems of Growth at TownshipFligh Sehool Margaret S. rierson, township citric, reports. the filing, of petitions for the candidacies of Howard S. Parker,ý in- cumbent,- 539 Melrose avenue, Kenil- worth, for Justiceof the Peace for. that village to oppose 'David.Ë. Elm- grin, 551 Brier street, and Eugene R. Ward, 727 Linden avenue, Wilmette,_ as one of the justices for Wilmette; William P. MacMillan' 894' Lindett avenue, Winnetka, opposing Lloyd C. Ayers, incumnbent, 3035 Lake avenue,' Wilmette for highway commissioner, and. Albert Snyder, 454 Oakdale ave- nue, Glencoei, in, opposition. to Wil- lianm J. Oman,ý 391 Adains avenue, -for the office of consta'ble for ýthat vil- lage. The complete ticket as endorsed byr the New Trier Citizens league is as follows: T¶ax Assess or-fl. S. Mârsbýal în- cumbent, 624 «Eider lane, Winnetka. Tax Collector-Sanborn Hale, in- cumbent, 1096 Cherry street, Win- netka. Supervisor - Mrs. Gertrude M.- Thurston, incumbent, 544 Chestnut street, Winnetka. Town Clerk-Margaret S. Pierson, incumbent, 804 Forest avenue, Wil-, mette. School Trustee-Warren J. Burke, UI4UV me yCÏIFJy pieuges, it i1. ex- plained. Pi Kappa Alpha to Observe Founding. In unison with the 76 undergradu- ate and 80 alumni .chapters &dfPi Thi:s s the second cj tidles by Herbert B. knout» civic leader, ane lic finance, taxati on, and lemsi, arnd a menber of! cation of1 New Trier schooL. tbon. The eparation or fi ate exnployment natter of per capi le at this stage ( .- -k- Yr r l.covu-james K i. .auineuu, umbers and incumbent, 740 Greenwood. avenue, eeds of the Glencoe. be for col-. For Winnetka---4Ralph E.- Sinshei- study for mer, incumbent,. 935 Spruce street, ter gradua- Wjnnetka. For Kenilworth-David E Elgrin, costs is fot 551 prier atreet. Kenilworth. as well as by alumni i per capita costs to a lo at tbe sanie time to