hIFuel- Satisfaction' jO URf tested coal or coke are thetnedluel po - or dependable, long burnipg, heat -- for family's oomfort and for economy. coke siokér COAL and MATERIAL YARI c itizens. by- an Amnerican, and,,wideIy showîi in schools on this continent. The, high spot in these niovies from, the standpoint, of interest expressed by the school children in New York, -Co- lumbus, Kansas City, and Chicago are the scenes of Mark Twain's "Tomn .Sawyer" taken "on location" hn and ts near a Ukrainian, village about 35, miles. r froni Kiev. Some of thesýe-are color shots and show the world fanious peasant blouses intheir natural back- grounds. SScenc camp'oi [I cause î *in their n i rojects k.Storage .George Schnmidt C.~m Scmêssumnièr',sport or with,.the soccer game es taken, at APTEK, the, honor between the ýBaku Oul team 'and. thel of the Sovriet Union, show.ypung Tiflis Dynamno.teani in their new con-i who were selected. to attend be-: crete stadium.r ;hey were outstanding notonlyr And stili another surpising sequencej rschool work but in their craft is of the children's model railroad which sand community service. Twen- runs through the "Park of Culture and rýaoiat pes axe seen t*lat,-,peak 1Rest"-has several statins, ad, 4most ferent dialects. Sème of the as many aduit customers aschildren. ,s traveled over 5,000 kilometres Ail these are presented i an uib iased ýnd the camp.. manner and candid comnients that en- ildren's nursery on a Black Sea hance their value for révealing historý ith its balanced aquarium and, in the making, it is pointed out. Thiý an. dancers reviving ancient folk story of the Soviet youth today is un. vie for the young student's ini- adorried by a, propagandistic interpreta with- parachute jumping as a tion,- the lecturer emphasizes. and University 7317 IEN JS CH ~tte. id Mrs. George F. 'Mitchell :hestnut avenue hiad as their est last week Mrs. Mitchell's ss Dorothy Booth of Indian- ho was one of the five Indi- ;ates to the Girl Scout con- Uaiiiornia since September, and axr iiow at Hollywood. Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Marmiaduke 230 Laurel avenue, have been hiornt about ten clays f romn a vacation il, Florida. Together with'friends from' Riverside they spent three weeks at the Piniecrest Country club. 3,' >iNT BIRTHDÂY PARTY NOW IN WEST l .