Týuesday, March 16, niembers of the afternoon and evenirig ballroolm danc- ing clasises enjo yed a dancing. party instead' of a lesson. Mrs. R. ýB. De Vinny, ballroom dancing' chairman.. announced1 that this was the. final meeting of the, classes for the year and that it bas been a successful and, enjoyable :season. The execuive'board will meet in the Howard school library for its regular monthly meeting, Monday, ,March .22i et.3.:15 o'clock. Dorcas, home, which is an orph*an- age and haIf-orphanage is locatéd in Deerfield, two miles west of High- land" Park, - and cares- for1 between 30 and 35 children. For mauy years it' bas been ïndorsed by, the Chicago Chamber of Commerce., Visitors are welcome --at al times, it was said. Mrs. John R. Vallance, 1225 Lake avenue, is çonvalescing from -an ili- iness with...whieh she has been con-. fined to her home for the past three weeks. CAKE FO&:4PKGI GOLD MEDAL ~~~,Q* WHAISlc OC GOLD MEDAL WU~uUUR% PKG. f j9 AaPTested Foods Tiiese fine bols are all caretully tested ln A & PIS experlmaital kitchen-they iai'e ail been awarded the A & P Kitchen uelj of godnss.For eeouomy and ----g. WHITE I4OUSi MiIk . ... ANN PAGE ;E EVAP. 6 4!/.o'Z 39c *3 N. 25 *3 1620Z JAR-L 2 -,29c *2 .2-B.