Your Choice of Any Tht.. ESTHIER BEAIITYSIIOP rT&l AVE 0 WILMMETT 466___- __ FIXE >NEW Furniture Showerooms, OpenEvery Evenling Phoe WIIm.*.32 and University 7317 weeic. "The New Trier Citizens' league. the oldest civic organization covering the entire. township of New Trier, has, after two mnonths' careful, con- sideratioli, fileda.* complete township ticket for the approval. of the voters on April 6, Mr. intzpeter declaed this week. The candidates are as folows:: Supervisor: Gertrude Il Thurstofl,54 Chestflut street, Winfletka. Assessor: H. S. Marehslali, 624 EiUder lane, Winnetka. Highway Conimisilofle Lloyd C. Ayres, 3035 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Justice of the Peace: James K. Cal-, houri, 740) Greenwood avenuae, Glencoe. Justice of the Peace t D,. MI ickey, 1523 Welnut avenue', Wilmnette. Justice of the Peace:_ Railph E. Sins- heimer, 935 Spruce street, Winnétka. Constable- John A. '.ceighafl, 1025 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. 'Costable: Clarence Schafeheli, 1210 Clerl<: Margaret S. Plerson, 804 Forest avenue, W1imette. CoiieCetor: Sariborri Hale, 1096 Cherry street, Whlnetka. School Trustee: Warren J. Burke, 677~ *Sheridanl roajd, GlencC>e. Justice of the Peace: David E_ Eim- gren, 551 Brier street, Keniworth. Justice of the Peace:- George F. Scherzer, 2135 Thornwood avenue, Wi mette. Constable: Anton Engels, 2403 Glen- view road Wllmette. ED.Hinutzpete township election, and has the unique distinction of electing each and. every one'of its1 candidates f rom tliat date to thepresent time.ý This lis jndeed a fine tribuite- to the calibre of nominees selected by thé NeW T'rier* Citizens' league, of which,.the officers and. di - recto-rs arfe justly proud," Mr. Hintz- peter stated. Invite to Tryoiuts for. Temple Players Dramna Tryouts, for the next major produc- tion of the Temple Players .will b( held at the North Shore Congrega tion ,Israel temple in Glencoe, Tues day evening, 'March 23, at 8 o'clocli Ail who are interested. whether o in their enthusiasin and desire t0 pe t o 'h th e -T np e ofc , o i of assistance in electing the entire HTemplo e ofc e react' siate, and to these people the, au arry oyel wo 9 c44 a be rah-, wishes to extend its thanks and ap- Gece 98<44 akl a, preciation for, the interest1 shown,, nue). said Mr. Hintzpeter, "It definitely__________________ proves that the residents of our com- rnunity appreciate good governnlentI SPEAKER and recognize the eff orts of civ zens' eazue to serve the best interests1 *the cooemuiity, and i nucig tmc Ito, accept their responsibility -for the mutual good of ail the residents.I "The tlownhip quickly recognizedt county teachers' instihute1 day ofternoon at New Tri school, on the Léague of WE SPECIALIZE. IN ALL TYPES 0F PERMANENT WAVING OmB" RIo.d, WI.i.tte1 I et.fl 1616 i