Amrican Eprss -Co. Issues Book on Europe A beautiful vacation book listing 1937 tours to Europe bas been issued by, the American E~xpress company. The book, profusely illustrated with European scenes,> including the Paris exhibition, introduces the prospective traveler to a series of four tours * vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Conger Reynolds, 245. tCmnor road, Teèn'ihvodf r rived home last Sunday f rom a six WVVIp . l L qi r lA> AIJIWLI-M l ;I is Pa anmd wfte are the idéal usabns et Whutaab Uulphuzrlms Planmo5w to upend a week or two building moed.d im*hm eacegyfocr the long winter months oheac. Watal sulpkur-watm'e baths to toue and reftemh you--iaIIowed by un bouuWs SDin Smt": bociutiful Sudoor sm-tan sclazium. Thon a s*di, a guseofldds or just a phasut chat amoug the. ow. in the »w efadoor hoI. FOR UHEUMATISM: Whitcomb duoo fusimcthomtmu sht-a dwieofproducki1q d*p hea), in om.JumcBOm maialmdhurwaerbaths, f otr rumatfusa, aritii u uril«od similnr ondEnoe& EEDUCD<G COUDSL If overwdyhtWhtcomb'u amUa n dluciag 7hêwa sab!.. you to los. at mtft» pWas~Oewes&An5 treatmntsc»regi.m under drectilon. ofthe. r.ukhmt 7Wm For fu*the iniaoeator ce bsvdiciblh w or ce m - I UaAmiB. anml fIwa w. kbe b .v m . . -- - sPhO CIIieff office,71tauIISa 1900 best The six-week tours extend the itinerary to include Lucerne, Inter- laken, Montreux, Geneva and points of interest. 0f special interest is the Grand Tour which ranges over the wide itinerarv of Stresa, Lugano, Milan, spend d on. the return me. timne in Mobile,j FORT LAUDERDALE MARCH and April, when old man rinter gets in bisfinal licks--then is timie of ail tirnes for a vacation in t I ~ Owu~ Ma.agpuout ... A*hur 1~. ~ ~ ~, A Bermuda> lighthouse Iooks dozwm on a field of Bermnuda': famous liaster lhUes .. Rou' after row of white. blossomi thrill Isl atd vWstors Who mokÉ a point of going tb. St. Davids in -Bermuda to see the Boiter cro p. (Bermuda 1 weeics- trip to noiiywoo(l, -4-aili. 1..l