positions, trom the Al-Strauss pro- gram of March 18-19, the.Tone,,Poem, "Thus Spake Zarathustra," and Ron- do, "Tilt Eulenspiegeël's Merry. Praroks." For his annual "Good Friday" con- cért.:.Mr. French will play recordings of -the 6nal movement of the Mahier "Resurrection syMphony". with the solo voicieb and complete chorus, and the enire third act of Wagner's opera, "Parcif ai"ý The programsstart at .8:15 ù'clock, and. Mr. French requests that thiose wishing to attend either concert, 'tele-ý phone him the preceding day. N.C.E. Faculty Member knnual 1Easter Sunrise service~ to be held in Chicago since the first year Àf A Century of Progress, Harry Sauinier, chairman, announiced this oeek. Dr. Robert Crawford McQ.uilkiin, president of Columbia College, Co- BrImmed PeUt- As casusi sud "right" mu birdu flyiu north iu sprimg. Wear it, this year, in con uwith jeour taiioredsunit. i t- a. w Clasio Swagger s Tis. yer it', the aborter, boxier swsg- ger. Designed in handuotne tweeds, nat- nral or bine tones.. Sizes 12 to 20.; 'Iaonadge J. nittikoter, wËI De. the tuusical attractions. Fromh 6:30 to 7' o'clock the service i to be biroadcast over the Blue Net- work of the National Broadcasting company, and from 6:30 to 7:30 over WMAQ, Chicago Daily News sta- dtoni. as the Chicago outiet. and uavy. convenes