TUES*-DAY, AI being the first T uesday in said month. The Election.will beginat the hour of 6 A. M. and close at 5 folOWS: P. M. Central Standard Time in the places designated as DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT 1-Poliing Place: Glecoe Union Church, Glencoe, IL 2-ý_Polling Place: Fire Station,. 673 Vernon Aveue lecEIL 3-Pollintg Place: Glencoe Union ChurCh, 4-Polling Place.- St. Elisabeth9s Church,à Glencoe, 111. 5-Poliing Place: dueler'a Creeoouse, 9 Linden Aveue, lencoe, IL 6-P.Iling Place: F. A. Rei& ,9S4 Linden Aveinue, Winnetkap 1K1. 7-PflUuug Place: M9 Linden Avenuet Win- netkat UL DISTRICT 17-Polling Place: Wm.,ThahuanD.Store, cor- ner Luke and Illinois Road, Wihnbette, ll. IDISTRICT 19-Polling Place: Hoffmnean Hali, Ridge Ave-. nue, Wilmnette, 111. I)IST RICT 19-ýPolliug Place: Aisembly Hall, Kenilworth, HiL DISTRICT 24-PoUing Place Assembly'Hall, Kenilworth, DISTRICT 21-Polling Place: Yire Station,' 831 Green Bay Road,, Wihnette,, 1IL DISTRICT 22-Polling Place: 3 Electric Place, Wilniette, IIL DISTI{ICTI23-ý Place: St.. Auguistine's Church émette, 111, DISIbCT 9 ~-roUlng risces; Qsulu'~Y aauocP w Lincoln Avenue, Winntka, Kil. DISTRICT 1-Pofling Place: Hanson Motor Co., 557 Cheetmiut Street, Winnetka, 111. DISTRICT ii-Polling Place: Village Hall, Winnetka, 11l. - -~s.. ~ 5 qs ~ - ~1 aU..fil DISTRýIC'1 25-PoIing Place: Byron Stolp School, WiI- mnette, fil DISTR ICI'26-Polling Place: Logan School, Wilmette, DISTRICT 27-Polling Place: 1443 Wilmnette Avenue, Wiluaette, ID.