Registration a n à Information - James E. Sproul Baker, Mrs. Frank R. Adams, Fund Raising-ýEdward Meier, E.. A. Zimmerman. Publicity-S. C. Meyers, W. Frank McClure, Irvin L. Porter.' Orgauize Othe1. Services In addition to the above, chairmen and co-chairmen appointed to head other committees are, as follows: War Seri ice-Paul C. Lang-. Accident Prevention-Chief of Po- lice Cloyd C. McGuire. First- Aidý-David C. Lah Life Saving-John -P. Baàlman, George C. E.Fckert, Henry J. Brandt. H1eal1th Servics-Mrs. H. J., Der- nehi. Volunteer Services-Mrs. Fred S. Rye, Mrs. J. B. Boddie Ill, Mrs. James 1. Johinson, Mrs. Harry Sny- d-eri Mrs Ai G. Aekerman. Roll cail representative on Com- munitv Chest-Sidney C. Warden. Mrs. Rye wiIl als~o include in her service activities thie organization of a junior Red Cross through a sponsor comnittee representing the several' schools.. Aiuxiliary to Chicago "WViltiette's Red Cross 'unit," Mr.. Dobbs Jr. Hocts . $350 The right costumne 'm'us be topped off with the right hat- and here it is! KingIey Shirs. . $1 .95 The kind- of a- shirt "make" a suit! 1937 Sizes 13 to 14/. that can patterns. amiTOPCOATS $20 to $40 Open uesda>,band Saturday nig event Wi dis aster. that aid more pro munities tees thar Acconrd be a rand prepý he uti cred mucii ly in com- , %OFF open'. 1 uesday,