Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1937, p. 74

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JOSEPH KNEWP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR Specialiinhg - Waterprooftflg Basements 1714 Washingtonl Aie. Wilinette 2618 15A-LTN45-ltp CARL BENGSTON CÂRPENTER ÂND BUILDER Repairing. ànd Rem-odeling, Call WINNETKA 2 480 attor 8, p.m. 15A-LTN44-4tp PLA STERING EARS AND CEMENT WORIC G. A.Thursby. Phone Wllmette 3387. 15A-LTN44-4tp NELSON B. PLACE CARPENTER, MASONRY, PAINTER, roofing, cernent, work,, Insulatlng, re- paire. Esirnates f urnlished. *Phone Wll- mnette 4181. 15A-LTN45-4t;> BUSINES amuvIcE MELP' HELP! HELPI UNHEARD OF prices on auto repaire. Our entrance is interferred with by the boriflg of the tunnel by the miners and our business has dropped 75%/l. For that, reasun we 'wili make very special prices, by out- standing , repairmen at bottomn prices. Sumnethins lias to be donc else we wil have to fold up and lay off (ur .help till the tunnel is done. Blow your. horn hard or phone' and we wilI corne and get you. Barney's Service Station, 548 'Green Bay Rd. Kenilworth 5470.* à Mâ 1 -0-K-t new flower beds, trim- ~ ~ ming your trees and shrubs, and brightening up generally with painting and decorating. Eaich of the. services Ilisted here can -easily. and inexen- sively bring -a bieath of Sprig to the Winter-logged home. LANDUCAPE 8SRVICE LAWN WORK-~RE-DESIGNING OLD, garden$s and transpianting your shruhe, trees and, evergreene;-, Fiagetone walke,. dry walls and terraces. Complote lineofu nursery stock and gardon supplies.. Soil, sud, manure, grass seed, fortilizors and baleid Peat Moss. WILLIAM WVEERS & CO. Landscape Desligners-Cofltractors t, vanstoTI 627 Grove St. Greonloaf 4040 156 Conter St. Winnetka 2450 33A-LTN45-10te L.AUNDRY WEVll DO WET WASH: ROUGH DRY. A special price on famiiy waeh. We call for and -deliver. Phone Wilxnette Paint., Papler, 5 Rms., $40 -up CEIjLING CALC., $2 UP. Sanitas* and canvasing work. Rm. wali paper cle;g#ned, $ 1; bathroom enameled, $5up; kitchen'painted, $6 up. 5 rms. firs. wshid., varnie>hed, $8. Outside pntg., done reas. 'Refs. Free est. Mat'i furn. Melvin Skolnik Wil. 3413 ROOM PAP-ERED $5, CEIL. CALC., $2 UP; ANTIQUE walls wash ed a.nd starched, $3; alsu do th>or reflnishing. Kitchen. painted $7 up. Batlirooni enami. $6 up. Very reas. Well recom. LOUIS, WINN 2,58 pair workgaane . zya try experienc. H. C. Thomas, 206 CoI- umbia Ave.. Park Ridge 1477. 45LTN42-ý4tP PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRIN-G AI) work guaranteed Thomas Lockierbie Wîlniette 822 TUNERR. WILMETTFI PUB. SCHOOLS9 45LTN43-3tP YuFOR $ YoCan Have An Expert RADIO ENGINEIMR' check your $et and, antenfl. Perfect reception de- mands a weii kept set and an occa- sionai check uî> by an expertn wiIi prove iflexpenisive and insure th-ý best, Service from your radio. Wn~ta25 Lee S. e tcher W *SOLtNa 4,54t SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING EXPER1T SRVCEAND REPAIRS. Afy ltmke' sewing imac-ei Qi14and ad-justed in your home fio oly 98c. Prompt servie entire North Shore. Phone Wilmette 3543. 53LTN42-4tr UPHOLSTERV AND LIP COVERB Reuphlster, renodel davenporte, chairs specializing in antiques; gen. repairs box spring, mattresses. Reas priceE Best worknanship. Est. and sanples. COMMNITY CENTER UPHOLSTER' Alex Ruppe, forr. with Marshall Field' Wilnette 4034. 1124 Greenleaf, rear shol l58LTN43-4t PHONE KENILWOIITk 280-82 ih uM'*UzýLl""-U- 16LTN31-26te etc., relieved through special treatnients Physician's reference. Wilmette 1716. 38LThT45-ltl J. Shortridge Mason-Contractor Brick, Cernent, and Lily Pools PAINTING AND OECORATINQ STONE WORK A SPECIALTY Personal Attention 421 Richmond Road. Kenilwurth 2735 FRED I. BROBERG, 16LTN43-4tp) COMPLETE PAIN'1IN(G- OPTOET*ITO *DF>CORATING SERVICE ____________________________Oid floors made liko new with electrlca A ve. une Wilmette 3589 I - "4îELT43-4tP DRAPERIES, CURTAINS, SLIPC«V- ers,. ail interlur decorative furnishiflgi E.NELSON made to ordor. Nino years on Norti Paintinig & Interlor 1)ecorating Shore. Glencoe 1419, 58A..LTN44-4ti WILMETTE1891 42LTN45-Ilp INSTRUCTION VIOLIN TEACHER SOLOIST, FOR- W. E. ERICKSEN merîy from New York State, now NTING AND INTERIOR DECOR- living in Xii. wishes pupils. Teachiig, ,tin. 124 Wahinton ve.- il-dne in wn home if desird. Wilmette te 2751.. 421,TN4.,--4tp 2210. 30 LTN45-4tp

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