in- this week's value messaàges Of OUR ADVER TISERS PAGE' ADVERtTISER yod £ e(Stores m AeoustlCOflCoe. ..1.. BtrchWood Window 511841.CO- Bleom.nai1 Dress Sliep.........S Bitue Parrot, Th1e. .... ...9e B1um's, Ic........ .Book Nook, The.. ....... -- '* Bowin lDry Ce ........... 27 Brauc,'. Sinaber SbOp. .....3 Brauni Bros. 011 Ce,. . . Cever IV Burns Togery.............. 8 .,C b.a. ie e. ?s= - ý.. . ..à ..A ',6 Chicago Jtapid 1Transit Ce...83 Chri'stian science Church..... Coliege Arum Jietel ........... g Colouy Hat SIiOp............. 4 Commnity Theatre ..........7 Cyrille Beatty Salon ........... 6 Dlavis verntture C...... 3 Domino Sagar ................ 41 Erickson, Be................ 72 Esther 1eauty' SheP.......... 28 liva.jiii AcademYvOf Fine Be ...... . ..... 70 i........... 48 PAGE, MarshalliFelgi à Ce.. 87, , 6, 60 MartIi, Edward G. ......... 49 cee.......... 2 Murine C.o ............... 60... Nelson yte ......Cov er IV !North sbore Lace Curtain Cleants ..........8 North shore BeftgerlteICe. . 81 011 Weil, The ................. 81 Okean, M. B., Furriers........ 2 Packard MNotet Car Co. Cever 111 Palace Feods ................. il Peaeck le Creuli ........... 12 Peu ster 011 Coe........... .-... 45 Pool & Piper ................ ..14 1lenseh Furnure OCoe ... 1, 26 Rensei Worehouse....ý...., 81 * ècIiICi........... .......... 2 Sebloessert'5.... .............. là !4ett, Win. H........ ý. Ceer IV t4haneeCleaners............ 10 Killan, V. J., CO. -.....67 Kropniek, M............... 6 ,wergey it1ler, X. J 5......... 4 I Cnon Aiin........... 70 N. S. <:oncrete Jeat Co.. O Cormasck. Soui C . ................ erry eoflng Co . ..........., James........... ... 46 Publie ServiceO.C ........, 71 Dovenmuebie,lue . ...........8.Quinian .& Tyson-i...........67 Agency.,. .-.64 Ce..14,68 Btuggies, W. G., & Ce.... Slown, Jack, & Coe.......... tied rap, .tocl tinî gai the firs. Ni har the hol onl tea ly1 bol the nl Ce t', d1 f or second place. Last week thie the housewif e's trienci , dilteaL r. ~~ ~->~ne of twûo ott idly 'climibing Scoôt-Towei team iKratt-rivieix' a u - - -- >three straight games fro.r the of. tbree gamnes.. d Monk. team,-,giving them aà bat- ie»nt Te*ain Standings ig average, of 100<> in the last six Tei Won Lost AVg. rues and elevating their standing Krf-hni . . 37 23 .617 :m eighth place to sixth. position in Gebard3t's e....... 36 24 .600 e. league only nine gamnes out of Old Monk .......... 25 .:583 st place. Stewarts Coffee...... 34 .26 .567 few Handicap Systeni Bg Succesa ScotTowels........... 28 32ý .467 Lico Produeits.... 2 32 .467 Clarence Bach, chairman of thIe Peacock "400 Club"9...2d6 34 .433 ýndicapping comxittee, said "that Town C rier.......... .25 35 .417 e Centrella systemn of starting ail Wilson, Ideals ......... 16 44 .267 iwlers on an even basis. bas not pafringa for Thureday'ii Gaines ly increased interest in the va rjious' Scot-towels will meet Stewart$ Cofte. am games but it also as thorough- Taor flouse will xniet Linco IPoducts. TonCrier will meet Peacock '1400 Club." been demonstrated that the poorer Gýýebhardt'8 Eagles wlill meet Wilson )wler or beginner can start with Ideals. ýe best bowlers ini the league and Kraft-Pheni I lil. meet Old Monk. ow in advance that he has a T.n.t Sponsors on a Vacation la ËeW wtt."Y . &1 Ragen,,captaini of th.e HJou>, Now that the trial period of this wife's Friend "Linco Products" tearn; w. handicapping bas passed, ail S. P. Gerdl, sponsor of- the Scot- entrella bowlers are settling down Towel team, and Warren Monahali, ) finish in the money in the home owner of the Old Monk teani, are ýretch.. vacationing at Hlot Springs, Arkansas, Last WeWs Reaults and ahl Centrella bowlers are await- Scot-Towels defeated ,Gebhardt's ing an invitation to journey south. agies three straight games. Manor What say you Lucky Grocers? - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nlt i W ' . 1,.. nformion is available at the = i c i i b . - -- w ere p lacea on dsp ay in ciuw ntow n ment that wilV be held in Evanstons v nt M da of hi wek Patten gymnasium, Friday and Sat-Eant Mnaofhiwe. urday, March 26 and 27, directors of the Evanston Lions club continued d'Bud" Happ Will Assiest work on the charity aspect of the Coach in Swimming Work uneet.Wila P.Hp,88Emsre. Plans were being completed where- WlimP ap 8 l tet bv ort shre oys unbîtto ak Winnetka, bas been appointed by the bvno- shrebos, -----t tKe board of education of New Trier LOrd'S -istAnl', uu"àv - xMaao, miss .............. 8 Xanatu, BUis1N. ....... 5Uir .......... d te Bank,Thie .2 .L ..ue.......... 28 :s have been distributed directly to Eau Cli the north shore, but ad- Rice remained here fc as well as more coi- las the guest of Mrs.1 .e, w rabo a week ADVEÉRTISER