Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1937, p. 48

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The North Shore junior Serv-, ice league> of the Chicago Mater- nity center announces a barn dance Apri 1 7,« to take place ai. the, Elmngate' Country club at the corner of Shermer and Glenview avenues, The purpo.se. of the -event is to ,raise addition- al funds, for the support of the work of the center located at Maxwell and Newberry streets in Chicago, under the leadership of Dr. Joseph B. Deb ee and his assistant, Dr. Beatrice Tucker. Saturday of this week a mneeting of the entertaiflmelt. conmittee will be. h-lJ ni te om of Miss Betty Ellise A final1 ,eneiral business meeting as, a heck on al arrangemenlts %will Sd April 5, for ail members, at me of Mrs. R. Douglass Cooper, )ak avenue, Evanston, at 1 :30 jack-C. Griffin, presitient, has 1 the entieresponsibility of ýarty over to Mrs. Gordon F. ýougb, who will serve as gyen-. the orpbanage, wilI De the guesi speakers at the regular montbly nleet- ing of the Friends of Lake Bluff Or- phanage tfo be beld at.10 '.clock Wednesday morning.ý April 7, at the home of the vice-president,, Mrs. James H. Prindle, 729 Milburn stre et, Evanstofl. Members will sew in the morning, and luncheon will be served at- noon, with Mrs. William P. Sbapleigh. Mrs. R. E. Lindorif, andi Mrs. Robert P. Walker assisting the bostess. Miss Arbuckle and Mrs. Couplanti will speak following luncheon. ýThe nominating, comnmittee ,wýhicb willl prepare a slate for the élection to be held in May will be appointeti at this time, and Mrs. Clarence H.' Shaver will report on the trip to the orphan- age wbich members of the organiza- Miss Lois 0ooley of WminetRa IJ co-chairman zvith Miss H e 1 e n Ljunggren of Evanston, of the an.- nual 'spring formol dance spon- sored by the freshmnan and soph- oinore classes of the National Col- lege of JEducation at the- Jývanston Counitry club. WiIl Give Programn on Mexico .1 College Club A talk on Mexico, illustrated wi The April meeting oitnt irV- anston and North Shore Alum- nae chapter of DeltaGammna will: be 'held -Mond ay evenîng, April 5, at 6:30 o'clock in. the home of Mrs. George Veeder, 1015 Sheri- dan road, Evanston. Buffet. sup-, per will be followed by an eve- ning o f speeches and discussions of a p .roposed project. The national alumnnae organization of Delta Gamnma. has been consider- ing aid for the blind asa national project-,. and in uine with 'this, the local alumnae ýchapter has asked William A. Hadley and Alfred Allen'. of the Hadley Correspondence school for the blind in Winnetka to talk on their work. They will discuss the ussand beneiof the JBraille sys- tem, typewriting, and the talking book, andi show moving pictures of the 'seeing eye" dogs, whicb have brought greater freedomn to many persons afflicted with blindness. Dr. Marion Kappes, a Delta Gamma alumna, will tell the members about the work donefor the blinti by Dr. Robert Gault. Miss Ruth Jackson of Evanston w1ill assist Mrs. Veeder, and the com- Betty Ellis, and Mrs. ilbert, J. r of Wilmette, 'assisting. s Mary Rhodes, as music chair- bas procured the Services of appy jazz" orchestra under the ion of j ack Harrison, wbo, ini o~n tn the reoeular dance music, Mrs. F. J.- Rot] enue, had as ber cousin, Janet pictur.e actress, mother, Mrs. L were motoring from New York. ing her week's vi a aynor, wtio ie to California three days dur- ,Iiss 'Gaynor was ,d witb colored bv lnchen. lvrs. Kelly l'o Review Book for Garden Club, In Chorus ok, "Exploring for Plants," by Davidi airchilti, for the program of the :enilworth' Junior Garden club on jeas i tniVIJ UV ning. .There .were baturday eve- ty-four guests. man, a "sni direct, for the p9r cMacu. event is à fund b k

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