This week at Wieboldt's you'll set the world's finest refrigerators.. the biggest money values ever offered. Make your choice after seeing them at Wieboldt's Refrigerator Headquarters!1 Specia trs-pecial Th. ~values-special, allowances available during ýRef'igerao ek KITU4I-POVEW'SI C H O U E- e Lowesl in- lO-Year Cosfl 50o Humýài The refrigerator buy of the year-the new Kitchen Proved Westing- house. Kitchen-proved the world over! Corne in ... get the FACTSI Lýearn how Westinghouse does more things better, at less cost. The price is aanazingly 1ow-you'Il save more with a Westinghouse! More POWER Greater ECONOMY