Thee L1,18 Chi boAv.A EvansfotI 407 Uinden Ave.. WiImette 746 EIm St., Wlnnetka rh;i efrsc0t$3 and durable -chair.oMy ()Offices:, ca'tt property of al icnds. r' ices have stiffened materially but are still ,mnuchout, of lUne with' increaseS in, prices of commoditieS generally. FEvery indicator of imnportan1ce points to enhancemnett of land -value s and the' rapidity with whjch prices will be increased depends largely upon the developiflett of that "boom"jl spirit which periodicaliy seizes upon bç Americati people. Notes Coua!d.rble ReViVal There is *no doubt that there is a er"' rrbe vival of the building able to anyone who Ca through Chicaigo'5sSul the large numbersofr cently comnpleted and n SThis reviva Dlesigners & Manu4acturers of PORCI4 AWNINGS bec< nticip uUao A'.,.-- prices are Zoing uu aid the cost of a place to lIVewil go90up too for everyofle but the fortutiate. owner O! a .homel,*wether it be an apartmeflt, a -cottage, a bu!ngalow, a bouse or a counftry estate. ~n mlce tnp Loyers of Eanly Ameria al anurbscadtripefurniture will be interested to know new b ouses ne- that' in Evanston$ h onA ob now under con- and Sons store bas enlarged it's low- ai i tel e er Rloor, and given the entire space , al nd tslast- to the display of examples of the a e al and ~lt 6! ek iest, 1iecesof the, Ççlonies. The riakiflg of work. reproductions to be found there are (t.assisted labor. ail copies of museum 1pieces, and .field of capital from private collections, and faith- 1ted in ail of the fully retain ail the beauty, charm and astries aind the chanacteristics Of the originals. ornes set in an -You will bc delighted with the Colby Ipswich House." reads an an- ome good busi- noutncement. "Froni the moment you ate one's hous- enter thé bouse you will become en- 1 consider ways rapt with its simple charm. Quaint LAWN UMBRELLAS ... GUDERS IéQRCH & LAWN FURNITURE VENETIAN SLINDS CHROME PURNITURE Visiýt Our Factory Showrooms ans wflicflcan n uc y ui liI"- .. I II: u. u .- .- - - onthly instaliments make it POsi-ail, present a setting that is entirely le for a large part of that rent item in keeping with Early American D be converted into an investnient. traditions. 3Ioeoe lfl.Advised Fiuncing "Then too, you will find the Whit- The unfortunate experiences of the ney Galienies which are entered by ýast few years tend to make unin- way of a charming shuttered Colonia-l onmed people hesitant about assum- doonway tihat Al but speaks to invite ng the responsibility of home owfler- youto its hospitable interiors. Here ýhip but the tnuth of the matter is you will see the best examples of bhat inost of the grief was theirct Whitney maple furniture, true to 1 . e hli: inAd tail. ath niece Lfly advantages and privileges to i had by owuership of àne's home. -anted the fact, that the monthly er is a school., nt at Mrs. ule Re:aI Estate