WREN YOUR home goes sakyward and your garage collapses. It is when the whirling destructive tornado smashes the worlc of years into a ruin, that you lose-uxilms you have followed the ex- ample of hundreds 'of prop- erty owners and carry tornado TuIe o hchances -insure tmoday andi be safe. months' absence, Theflreport ~is na Mr. Barnes' health is s0 much imi- proved that he will~ be able to tale charge of the meetings for the bal- -- - ~ thé-qi nn groups. is to be presenited at thel early 7 o'clock service. This will in- "Are Sin, Ulsease, and Death Real" élude instrumental players, a choral was the subject of the lesson-sermon organization, and nationals ini cos-i ail Churches of Christ, Scientist,- tume. Ih is expected that a number on Sunday, April Il. of the foreign consuls, representiflg The golden text was, "The Lord the different natioiialities present, wil biath redeerned Jacob, and ransomed , . C- lf ... M , him thàtwa 105CENTRAL AYI ILMETTE 456 or 3513 Iaowns FQPO1n