sculpture classes. 'his exhibit con- tinues to April 30, and cn Sunday, May 2, there will be a reception tc open the annual exhibition of the work of children and juniors enrolled in the league's classes. Much of in- terest was found in the exhibit last vear, by many who had no direct con- nection with it, and the league officers expect that. the same will be true of this year's show. A second May meeting of the league will be the an- lnal session, May 4, with election of officers and board members, and the annual dinner is scheduled for May 14. School Leaders to Attend Conference Secondary school superintendents of I1inois,Indiana, Iowa, Miçhiga, M1- souri and Wisconsin will hold an rl- day conference on "Backgrounds for Toniorrow" at the National College of Education, Friday, April 16. The confer- ence is sponsored by the college and is under the direction of Mrs. Minnie Campbell and Miss Harriet Howard. Dean Thomas E. Benner, of the school of education of the University of illi- nois, will address the conference at the luncheon, using "Quality and Value of Education" as his subject, Last year more than 75 superintend- ents from six states attendéd the session. A larger attendance is anticipated this year owing to the shortage of teachers for secondary schools. The National College of Education had 32 positions offered its five mid-year graduates in February, compared with but a single job offered a year ago. Inquiries are increasing daily apd more than a dozen definite positions have been oifered to June graduates. High School Rifle Team Increases Champ Rating In the semi-final round of firing in the national junior rifle champion ship matches the New Trier, High School No. 1 team, was able to add another 60 points to its aggregate in the Class 1B division of the nation- wide-competitions being conducted by the National Ridle association. The national hampionship as well as the honors for each class will be de- termined by' the team's aggregate- based on points earned according tc its place in eachi of the six matches of the series. Arrange Table Tennis Event for Hligh ShOlOols Monroe street, Chicago, Events con- sist of boys' singles, girls' singles. boys' doubles and mixed doubles. A special feature will be an exhibition singles match by *Danny Kreer present Chicago district high school champion, from New Trier High school. For further tournament in- formation contact M. Tucker at the above address.