Make this a REAL Mother's -y~by surprising lier with a new pîcture. iinustuUy attractive :prices prevailil appoifltments are moerior ;0 MIV 1t. As .owas.$8 a dne'i% 1606 CHlCA&GOý :VE.. UNlversuty 2238, Koehne Photo Leo J. I-assenauer, chairnan of the Catholic Actioni comnzttee of the - Wilmette council-of the Knights çof Columbu s, is one of. the tuent bers of the committee sponso ring the council's an>sual Communion Silni day this uwel. George E. White, lecturer of the court cil, is chairman of the cotnmittee, and other members include Edward B. Cun- ninghami, William Obermeier, William...... Ferrarini, and AI 'M. Schaefer. More than 100 memibers of Quilmette counicil, Knights of Columbus, will gather Sunday niorning at 8 o'clock at St. Joseph's church on Lake avenue, when the local organization will cele- brate its annual Communion Sunday. Beside the Ouilinette members, scores of knights who live on th~e iiorth shiore <but wbo have couricil afiiationsii otlier cities have been invited to attend the services. The aniual breakfast wilI be serve~ immediately after the ceremony by mein-:. bers of St. Mary's society. A prominent speaker has been engaged. His talk will be brief, however, as the primary' purpose of the annual breakfast is to promote good iellowship, anid exchànge reminiscences. At least 15 charter mem- bers, who assist ed in organizing Quil- S e T i «p mette council in 1903,, will be present. SIE IJ O >