'dame Cigna wili be introduced, ini her very first appearanceé in the west, to subscribers of. the Artist-Recital series ini October. Phemomismal Careor The car.eer of Gina Cigna as a dra- matic soprano bas been somewhat phenomeflal, her debut at the Met- ropolitan causing even greater furore thanFlagstad's. She sang superblv in b er first appearance, in "Aida." Plans are now going on for ber to sing "Nrm, which is considereil most difficuit. Over the Ford bour t wo or three Sundays ago, she was soloist' Press notices_ wired:to Mrs. Roland, D. Whitmnan of Winnetka, chairman' of the Artist-Recital committee. the day Madame Cigna made ber debut at the Metropolitafl, were unanimous in ber praise, ded aring liers to be "ôtiIé' 'f the most vivld and exciting triumpbs experienced at the Metro- politan in many years." Fine Soca Heritage Gina Cigna is a French , woîan married to an Itafian. She bas a fine social heritage as ber background a.nd is higbly, educated, her training in music baving been, tuntiI eight vears izo thanf a concert nianlist.. She in the Artist-Rfcital series about tbree years ago. Toscnin wa 50impressed by Cigna's great talent that he gave ber three roles to learnl at once. She now bas a wide repertoire, and a pbenoml- enal memory more like Flagstad's than like that-of anyone else. If Mi» Hallotéeen Martin has»t't mlore broadcast4zeg hours to her credit on one pro grarn under on!e Sponsor thank. anty other radio an- iloz4cer, someone t(411 havé ?to ùw- cover some very imposi;:g stati;s- tics. On A prit 15, 1937,' Miss Martin zwill have been the 'voic of the Mttrehtll $ield tand eoinsay' «.u- sical Clock" for exactly seven years. For two hoîtrs everj, weekday morn- ino of the 'rear--frorn 7 a. ni. to 9. a. ni, C.S.T.-she presen&ts, through Columbia's Chicago Radio Station WVBBMI, a. well-balanced pro grain of recorded music. No late sveen a record probably unmatcnead y any existing local or national programe. now on the air. I Starting in April of 1930, the "Mu- sical Clock" bas maintained the same sponsorship, gssumed, almost tbe st us f a rmhl4, .crvc.The time ,e TrheAi I IT'S A GARDENER@S HAVEN a Ss.ades, hoes, rakes, toton combs and et ber * large foots. " Grass shears, ltedge clippers, prnng shears, trowels and other mrail moois.. " Garden bose, sprinklers, nozrtes, uuashers, boa. ree!s. " Variety of flower and vegetabi, asieds. ist-Recital series, one month, bas, IL