cookies-at an altitude of 11,000 feet fromn Chicago to New York on the lardly before it "Maininer" of the United Air Lines l requested to fasten o .The modern miracle, "capturing tinieanwereeelg in its fl ight.". Leaving Muicipal Air- which is> so snioothý port, Cicago,. at 1 .l :30',a. .ni..,we, took comment -from fir-st t off. clinibing steadily until we reached as, "I dntkniow th a ýheight of f11.000 feet ai vhich levél'.'Our baggage che We. remained f or- the entire trip. to the and we are- transfei Newark Airpont, just three hours andniotor car and are pri 55 minutes later. the niew Pulaski, Not as yet beiig a regular commuter through. the Hollan to New York our' very good friend threeý-quarters of ai Frank Hlavacek thought ih of suficient New York City. Che importance to cone to the. Municipal we are in plenty of Airport with a party of frieîîds, to see dinner or a stroli acr, lis Off;, in fact his. Waco escorted nIod f iend AI Mil followed ius up to 5,000 feet where he restaurant, thence . wagglýed his wings ini salute and turniec show, or have ai hack. other pursuits and ai' Our Stewarctess handed uls, al)p and noon. air log ,and expained tjiat by watchîng In short, we oý thie elapsed tinie in ffighit, we coula r norniîig arniving at identify towns, rivers and railroads hY 4:30 E.S.T. This conparing thern with the inap.: tunity for dinner he qoonl the windo-ws becanie frosted and is even possible to ta liad it ilot been for the extra celluloid be in New Y>ork f(- window attachmient <defroster), suich again for dinncr ail as are fouxid on automobiles for winter The wvonder of nmodei driving. we would not bave been able to see the ground. Oie of our passengers -,"cezee It or Not", inquired as to the temiperature and we were anîazed to learil that, according .The lirnit of, a subi is realized we. are our seat beits again Off for a. 1ancling 1as to cause- such :ime air passengers, hat we'had landed." ecks ýare requested crredý to a waiting romptly rolling over Sky-way leading nd Tunnel, and lu, i hour we are in etking i at a hotel, ftime for miidtown ross town to see Our iller . at Demùpsey's We may take in. a whole e Vening for 11 in the sanie after- Newark Airport at gave us an oppor- efore show timne. It tIce ail earlier plane, rr lunch and homne Il in thc saine 'day. ru travel! STORAC 0F. HUSEHOLD G00005 OUR SPECIALTY IIESTIMATES FREE==:2ý sale St.ragfe forý FURS Garments Pianos Auga iverware Autos HousehoId Goods Office Furnituire and Records 1H40>' 'l'ne spacious. cuuins wnIii coiu date 14 passengers with, extremie corn- fort and can seat 21, are so well insulated against englue vibration and sound that conversation is carried on as easily as in a living roomn.-What an improve- mient over former conditions! SNvivel arn chairs are adjustable to almost any position and are the last, word ini comfort. The aforementioned delicious tray of food was broughit by 4V Across ithe street.. Across the cont'inent Across the seca . . Movng is