UNDPEDENLYOWNED AND OPEATED Stadium _ Theater Bui'lding-ý CORNER- Ç.ftod Sfr.. AT EASTWOOD EYANSTON mHous rmI..f 4M22WU.t.709 M r. apid Mr,. iidu'in G. fisher. 638 Ashstreet, Wirnetku, together zi.. Uh Jf rs. hisher's brother, V. C.- Mickey. reti.riied rece)stl.y froa0M tfiappttiBeach. Fia.1 The 1t1 wo nien sp ent one daydeep sea fishili, and ivere, told thafthtic brouyfht . iitihe record catch so far this yer-oiie 66 pousid wi,;te vuarlinl neasitringj 7 feet, three sailfish iveiglhiing 37¼.2 471,12 and 50 poueids. îhrec tioid fisz,ýapýd oie -dol4iiiù. The. inarlin ai sailfish, r Fisher sta tes, Plit uf a qreut batile. 1A bave is a' g!inmPse of a portimiof otÏe c~atch. Legion Leaider Will Girl Scouts to Hold Be Speaker. on Peace Auuual Cookie Sales David L. Shillinglaw, former Illinois Duri»g Coming JVeeks state commander of the Americail Girl Scouts of the village will hold Legion,. will discuss "What Price terana okeslswti h Peace?" with Kirby Page at the pub-terana ok slswhite lic mass meeting to be held in Patten next few weeks with delive-ries on 'rliiQrlv vennç ý,rj Wednesdayý, April 21, and WVednes- and undeiotading of your spcial you wamtand wlie yon want Ïk. be S. Mary E. Wise of Wilmaette, e of the student speakers il n mUnnnp *nth i4hrIuir wh Walter N. Sutherland. 830 Dd avenue, is chairnian. of the committee which is in charge annual venture, and Mrs. S. n is co-chairman. le. in aiding the girls in the sale,-are the- following: Nfrs,. IRye, and I I 3