Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1937, p. 71

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wiLLI jraxe , mrmuî, cu gr A D*5t. .Sl5f Reginald Denny., Valencia. theater. ApriI 22, 23; Wilmette theater, Ap'il 15, 16, 17. An. edtior of -. a eal magazine. finds his magazine slipping until.Jean Arthur enters the picture. She in- jects nlew life into, bath. the book and tlle editor, and Miss.Arthtir and MIr Brent do their work well. On the Av'enue. 2th Century Fox picture, directed by Roy. del Ruth with l)ick Powell, Madeleine, Carroll. Alice ]Faye, and the Ritz Brothers. Teatro del Lago, April 16, 17, 18 N7arsity theater, April 116e 17,:18, 19. The delightful muisic of Irving Ber-. l in adds ninch to the superlative en- tertalumient value- of this comedy of the jealousies of theater folk and the idiefaniesofthe very rick. 11 Prcvitewers wvere unainitnous ini their praise of this perfectly directed, actcd anid photographed film. This musical conxedy of Darryl Zainnck's is ailother iii his series oYý spectacuilar successes. There art torcli songs by Alice Faye. love sonigs I) I)ick Powell, and the heauty of Miadeleine Carroll; added. to these. are thosv. three neiv shining stars o comnedy, the Ritz brothers. Poster, Lina V '.cnnor, and the, .ziuuc PI&vers. Wilmette theater, April 21 On an EasterSunday, the symbolie .flag of the Irish.rebels is ra:ised and the film, gives a grim insight 'into thé, passionaàte love of couintry and desire for freedomi from oppi1ression for whlich they fought. The miseryý and siualor -of the. Dublin -shims-i&- strik- ingly portrayed. Woman's part, in wvar is sympatbetically illustrated 1i1 Bar4ara Stanlwyk's interpretation of Nora Çlitheroe. HAS EVERYTHING! Anl electric atom of feminine beauty and energy, Franciska Gaal .(Pro- nouinced Gall). described by C. B. DeMfille .a S.'"ia vouthlful combination of Helen Hayes. -Mary Pickford. Elizabeth Bergie l lre 4ia 86w,'* will play the leading rote in DeM\ille"ý nlext production, "The Buccaneer." EARLY RISER Benny Baker. featured iu "The Crime Nobody Saw." confesses that, H-ollywood's early shooting schedules fnally have forced abandonment of h is favorite riversion-settiflg the clock ail hour forward so lie can stay ahed longer ini the morning., The accident occ urred on location ithe filming of'a scene with Ran- dolpb, Scott. in- "Higb, Wide and Hanidsomç." She was feeding apples to a pen full of hogs. She carried, on before the, cameras, Key: A-Adults; Y-Y iouthi 13 to 18 year. <of age; C7-Chlldren, 8 'tir 12 years of âge; F-Entlire Famlly. Teatro del Lato April 16, 17, 18-"On the Avenue , for F. April 19 and 20-"2'Beloved Enemy,". for F. April 21 and 22-"Camille." for A. W%.ttb ev April 15, 16, 17-"'More TIian a Secretary," for A and Young A. April 18, 19, 20-"Sea Devils." for A. April 21, 22-'"The Plough and the Sýtars," for A. Comanity House April 16 and 17-"Breezing Home." ,no .recommendation. -- w v-a w-wdblo - Jens..M.Itui, ?atu4.ia EN& Feature Starts 7:560, 10:00 Fr1. SaL, Sun., April 16-17-18 110oN TEE AVENUE" Dîek PN"DU.Mabhin. Carrol Ritz Dros. Feature Starts Fri. 7:40, 9:50 Feature Starts Sat., Sun. 2:00, 4:05, 6:10, 10:20 Also La~test "March of TIme" Mon., Tues., April 19-20 j ençiateate, \p ,, -,t.. . --. -rrl o dtigo otg ien The life and loves of thle Dutchi Frances Fariner in "Exclusive," araiyoreîngi uuc .vuj painter are portrayed in this lio- newspaper picture whichi Alexander filmed, and to determine the proper graphical drama. The d irection and--Hal wil direct. f adeout . pliotography are especially good; the acting of Laughton measures up tc HILL.BILLY HOTr SONG bis former achieveinents, and hie i. B ob Burns and Martha Raye will. "Moonight and Shadows," Doro- ably supported. be co-starred ini "Mountain Music," thy Lamour's song from "The jungle having completed their current roles Princess," is frst in current sheet na-UI- 1PVfl ,cture. djrected wNith..Bing Crosby in oWaikiki W.ed- music sales and in radio perform- ý r- ým

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