MEAD &COE 69 W.Washington St. .ChIcago Randolph 0450 lllLTN49-ltc AN ELM TREE. 300 YEARS OLD SHADES TIIE PLAG- stone terrace and, there, are, many other unusual features about this, hom»e, an architeet. foi himse-lf. ý4 bedi. rooms. 3 baths, IIbraryr with' fireplace, oh heat. 2-car attached garage. It Is, ANN MORELAND 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 30 5 WHIEN TT IS REALLY EASY- and' possible on a Inodest purse. Why flot own your tome and be. happy! Srnall'down-Balance ln easy monthly paymentS. See Sears for particulars North Shore Properties our Speeialty SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 5288 IllLTN49-ltc Here's Your-Chance -' TO USE A TEMPORARY HOME. Brick and shingle structure whIeh can later be turned Into a wing of, your new bouse. Among elegant homes. On gorge- ous piece of property just under one acre. Hubbard Woods school district. East side near lake. $15,750. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Elm St. Winnetka 3603 111Ll'N49-ltc Owrier Tran sferred. - SMART- & GOLEE. , Ic -. 1564 Sherman Ave., Evans., WiI. 3486 l11LTN49-itc FIRST TIME QFFERED A HOME OP! REAL CH.ARM à bedrms. H. W. 011 heat. 2 car garage. A beautiful large lot near lake and schools. This won't last long. Shown bY ali- pointment. Prîce $18.000. 795 Elm19t. >Wlnnêtlca. 111LTN49-itce IN HIGHLAND PARK A CHARMING HOME ON A BEAU',- fui wooded lot overlooking' ravine. Htas 6 rooma, 1 bath, bot air oil heat. 2 car att. &,aaie . Lot 66l- Rock 1vy Arn 114LTN,49-tc' HIGHLAND PARK' A SUBDIVISION OP REAL- MERIT, and iighly restricted. This unusual property ls located one block nortli of the beautiful Bob 0'Link Golf Club. it le without comparison as to trees and beautiful rolling groiunds. Ail street im- provements ln. No assessflents. Two blocks f romi the Lincoln achool ýand only five blocks from the Main business dis- tric.t of Highland Park and .ail trans- portation. Deep lots ranging fromn 80 to 120 foot .frontage at prices from--$4,OO0 to $7,500-See us today. MURRAY .& TERRY EgXCttrVSIV GENTS'u Central & Sheridan Highland Park 69 I OFFER MY CHOICE RESIDENCE lot at price of miortgage.. overdue taxes and assessents,, and expýensea of sale. Clear titie given for $3,800. 71x14b5. Lovely trees surrounded by elegant bornesIlu restricted district. Cali me at Wlnnetka 3603. 114LTN49-ltO A 65' LOT. EAST BRABIDE NEAR sehool and transportation. Priced, te soîl at $3,000. Also 150' leavily woole at $60 per. ft. Will divide. Theme a» resI bargaîns. Write B-131, Box 60 WRl- mette, 11». 114L.TN'41lte 1 ACREI LOT IN NORTHIELR) mn acrosa street froni Sunset Ridge ms- tse.% mile froni depot. Blectrtclty. gmllaite wster ln oon. ReaaousbWe Plonzlenview 845 before 6 P.BL 114L49-lti> ONE ACRE BUILDING SITE. $800. avdroad, near town. TIGHE REALTY CO. rltTH*: surrounded by fine mcd. tt eut to $9,M>0! private road ln an ex ri of new homies. $5,0 EAST KENILWORTH ATTRACTIVE 9 RM. MODERN COL- onial. 4 bedrms.. htdý siji. porcli, and 2 tile baths on second fi. 2 bedrnis. and bath on third; lovely lst floor. On $15.000 lot. Right price for quick sale. F. WANNER, REALTOR' 19 S. LaSalle St. Sta. 5111, Kenil. 5111 11lLTN49-ltp ON VTERNON AVTENUE. 526 Center St.. Wnnetka 38' 111LTN4q-Il GLENCOE. NR. CLUB GROUNDç Lovely big trees, deep lot; 4 bdrs,. bths., 2 pchs., 2 car gar. Owner building Under $14,000. Nlake offer WITZLEBEN REALTY 562, Green Bay Rd., Kenflworth,54 -EAST $3,'100 TO $3,300 .west on Lake 179 hii Barrington 87 4 miles 9. W. Barrington., ductive 'dairy farm, 14 rm. unded by fine old treei. )drn home. 2 miles N. W. 521- 4th