Our regular announcemnents are as toliows:, Tuesday-7 :30 P. M.>. Boy Scout Troop No. 1t Wednesday-7 :30 p. mn., Boy Scout Trbop No. 2. ý7:30 P.'in., Camp Fire Girls at' the home of Dr. Hazel W. H-odges, 901 Forest avenue. Thursday-3 :30 p. mi., Girls' choir re- hearsal. 4 P. ni., Boys' choir rehearsal. 7 -15 p.mi, Senior choir irehearsal. First Presbyterian Rev. J. T. Venekiasen, minister. At the hiorning worshipservice at il o'clock Sunday morning the minister will preach on the themne. "The Inter- preter , f Dreams," dealing with à prophet and his version of future events., We Invite you te worship wth us. The muasical programi for the mornlng worship service, arranged by Miss Ern~a 1Rb'flids, drètor~, iFU1bleas 'fo1ows :. prelude, **Andante"' (Opus 28), Beet- hoven; anthem, "The Lord Is Miy Shep- herd," Delamarter.; solo,. "The Publicaxi," Vani der Water, Edward Otis, soloist;» postiude, Marche Pittoresque," Kroeger. The Sunday achool mneets In ail depart- mients at 9:30 o'eloek, under the genera.l superintendency of Lincoln C. Torrey. The Adult Bible clase meets for study at 10 o'clock, and we invite you te study with us "The Portrait of the ~Prophet-Priest-King." The new oflcers -of the Tuxis club, elected last Sunday te serve for Oee year, are: president - Charles Moon; vice-president - Charles Willis; Becre- tary - Arthur Brereton; treasurer - Warren Peterson;. social. chairman - Ardeth Uebel; memberehip chairman - William Dodds; program chairman - urday at the Lane Chapel in Chicago with- interment at Memforial Park cemnetery. He is survived by bis, mothier, Mis. Helen Rogers; by three sisters. M rs. C. E.« Partridge,' of Osbkosh, at whose home he died; ýMrs. Herman J. Thiel of Chicago; and Mrs. J. H. Loveli of Colton, Ore.'; and by thrèe brothers, Walter, of Niles Center, al- so formerly of Wilmette; Cecil, of Milwaukee, and Frank, of Chicago. Aged Woman Dies at. Wilmeite Residence' Mrs. Otti lie K. Schnauder, 83 years old, and a resident' of the village for 27 yecars, passed away at bier home, 422 Greenleaf avenue, Wihnette, on Tiiesday, pQr1jng.- The wîclow of M. B. Schnauder, who died in 1924, she was the moth- er of Miss Alice. Schnauder, with whom she had made bier home, and the late Bennie Schnauder,. who passed away during the war. A brother, William Knopf, of Chicago, survives, and a sister, the late Mrs. Louise Mau, died last june. Fumerai services will be conducted Mrs. Walker Dies After Brief Illness Mrs. Rebecca Barnes Waiker, 72 years of age, passed away suddeiiiy at ber home, 1535 Lake avenue, Wil- TESTUD :.COAL W'ILMETTE COAL & MATIERIAI. YARD 1.301 Lake Ave. Wilmel'te 4200L 0F THE NEW 1937 ELECTRIC 0 Don'c miss this premiecr showing Of tii. ami 1937 models in electric refiigewm LComm lna md> meet Monday SéeeOur AUX