Our Advertisers PAGEAD)VERTISER, A A PFood Stores......1 Apollo Muic Club......... Sb Berine Studio.................. 4 Birchwood, Window Shade Faetory...................1 Blogm.N8i l resu Shop ........14 Blue Parott, The ....... ...... 69 BumM's, Ie. c............. 1, 47 Braueh'Bs flumber SIiop........ 9 Braun Bron. 011 Co...$#5, Coter IV Bok Nool, The .......... Bowmaa Dalry Co....... Coe, Aimer à Co... ........ 02 Christian Science Churcb. ..Il Couby Furuiture Co. .......... 67 Colloe Ar*mi otel ..........4 Davis puraiture Co ...... ..... 7 ».eWltt, Iue ...................8b Domino Sutor............... 23 Elizabeth Hair Shoppê ........Sb Brekson, Ben .............. VO IFvanstof Aeaieuuy 0f Fine Arts . ....... . .. .10 Evanstoli Fireproot Warehouse .82 Fassett, Itosalle itouci.......48 Peltman & Carme ............10 French Llek Springs Motel . . 1 'Ford Dealers ..-......... 1.... dé 'P -eh.Lunidvv.................. 60 AjaxShiaglO & Xodernhiig Co ......... ......... »....i Amerleau Wire Yencé Co. .. . 1 Baird & Warner..........4 Caren's Paint Store .........84 Cormanuck, Joseph . ......... o Crm.bb, Jamies ............... 88 Crýns Co.e................8 PAGE matbewu Auto Wasb .........s Meflonough Beauty Mart.... Maruine Co........ ,1ý Wçorth Shore Lace Certain Cleauers .......1.............9 Nelson System - ........ Cover IV North Shore, Refrigeratiofl Co.. 79 011 Weil, Tii ........... 01<1 DoMIni» O oom........meè Pagiaralo, 1D. .......... S Palace Foode ...............-Il Peacock be Cream ...........i0 PersonliLoan, lue. .... ...... d Publie Servio. ............SI1 "Y' Eligen . ..:. ... .......4- J.emsch yurniture Co ......... 4 Renoth Wareho1ise...........9 SchloesW'i................l Simmons Drug Store ..........488 Shorelune Cleaners. . ........e Shoreflne Radio & Music Shop. .10 Sb0rty's Barber Sbop ......... 81 Snlder-CSiS*J Drag Coe ........ 7 Spauidlng, JIfarold ..........4 Stadium Theatreo............. 69 Standardi 011 Co.... ........... 39 Stevenls, Edgar A,,, bac ....... i5 Stoe, Br............8 Jacobs, Irvin, & Co.- .....l Jolîason's Sced Co.......... 80 Killiani, V. J., Co.. .... 7 Mergenthaler, N. . ....... .34 Normlan, C. IL, Co ......... 84 1011 Burning Engines.... ;...7 Coffee .only 2 games uehina theUt Monk team. .In' the second division, thet bouse- wivýes' friend,"Linco" leads with only a single g ame advantage over Pea- c0ck "40W" Club and Scot Towels. Town Crier Flour at one time a cham- pion contender, seem to have lost their "pep" and now rest in ninth place with Wilson Ideal Dog Food teami the undisputed cellar victims. ýCommbimatio% Banquet Map l3th The c>fficers of the Bowling League propose to unite with' the Food Manufacturers and the .North Shore Grocers Association in staging a combination banquet and party mak- ing it the officiai -banquet party of ard and Lost .27 32 a score of 208. Lico, res' friend had a second ni e person of Richard Ru ' clOr.%' uth. a total: of, Dp)venmuehl4, lue..........8 Ferry ReefihiS CO. .........8 Publie Service Ce ....... 26* 29 Estabi6hed RecOmuIte Shoot At Frank Waber, co.;chairman of the aegeind captain. of Gebhardts 1EagIes holds a score of 626 for' higl individualseries -with AI. Pearsion Df Stewarts Coffee claiming second high. individual series with a total of 617. SAdolph Peterson, captain of the Town Crier Flour team stili dlaims individual high game score with 274. High single team game goes to Gebhardt' s Eagles with a total of 968. Kraft-Phenix holds, high team three-gamle score with a- total of 2M0 and ýsecond high teamtn three-gamne gosto Gebhardt's' Eag es wita score of 2560. Ail gaines in the Centrella North Shore Leagizarerl on the Bleser Alleys on Ridg~e road south of Lake ally invited to attend gaines of the season. rogram begins at 7 to permit the mem- SCouncil of K. of C's. ck p. mn. Irb iasi wcc BUFFET SUPPER %lr. and Mrs. A. L. lodson of 1019 Lland avenue are entertainiilg a Dup of friends at a buffet supper ýnday evenin g in honor. of Mr. and s. Pressly Stevenson of Chicago io were recently niarried in Wash- ,ton, D. C. ........... 5 AD)VBRTISER year'. ý wi Il