;freet AT EASTWOOD EVANSTON WiIm.t. 709 Vieu' of the Jewel Food store, 1115 - Central avenue, which% is to open toda y. To greet the new customers, "Little Oscar," w uorld's smallest chef," wàl akeo roap .pearances at the store. He is -I bepe ia giveauvy free soenples, autographed Photographs, ami other souveirst. ,W-illia m" -C. Hedgcock, Noted. ýInventor, Diesg William C. Hegcock, 110 Broad- way, Wilmette, noted mechanical engineer and inventor, credi ted wiib 1913, and was chief inechanical en- 1 ineer there at the ýtime of his death.. During the war he served as a cap- tain in teodac department. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Irene Hedgcock; by a son, Williamf C., Jr.; ~by bis niother, Mrs. Mary C. l4ecgcock, also of the Broadway LIEU UVeII inI mI nI.eaim8 1J1 somJ Li1im. ,rPunerai services were Mr. Hedgcock, who was 48 years Tuesday afternoon at the of age, 'had been ai resident of the Parish Methodit church. village for the past nine years. A native of Jeffersonville, Ind., he was, Mrs. Alfred S. WiltbergR fornierly associated with the Louis- Abbottsford road, Kenilwort ville and Nashville and the Monon her house guest for a .few Use Our CompVet Serice Don Simmons ifIV* R. Ph.G. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPART- MENTIS8 CONSTANTLY IN CHARGE 0OF A REGISTERED PHARMACIST JVeCarry 'a Cem>lete Line .of COSMETIOS AND PmRFumffl Smooth - Rich - Creamy Wisconsin ICE GRBAM 7'ake home a <nart of this delicious dessert Vigoro ...... ..per 100 bs Sheep Maure... per 1001 lb.. Bone Meal .....pe100 lb.. Milorganite .....per 1001 Ib. Armour'. Gardeun and Lawn Fertiliuer...... .. per 100 lbs. .1IIIiflh"u'IIuuIuIgIImuhgIIIIHhuouhIIgI Greenleaf .4022