Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1937, 16b

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tuiat ne is saxon Reéachiing Chicago they appealed to, the Salvation Armny, it is*.said, which organizatioli paid',their. fare to Wil- mette on the elevated. ,Up on arrivaI, here at 9 p.m., they appearedat tle Pô lice station and sougbt shelter for the night, which was refused because of lack of proper accommodations for the mother and children. No accommodations- being avail- ýable at the Central hotel, 'the police referred theni to a couple of bornes .where. lodging ýmight bersecured, but that also 1f ailed., They finally àp- peared at the home of Arthur W. Osborni and his son at 306 P ark avenue, and were there taken in and given comfortable beds for the night. It was then Il o'clock p m., and they remained until 10:30 a. nh., Mon- day, 'wla.a tbay . epartçslexpecting to hitchhike to Kenosha. Vùkess work was secured there they stated that they would go on to Milwaukcee, 1and if unsuccessful there would go to Lincoln, Neb., their former home. Mr. Maudeibafli stated that hie had been unemployed since 1929, and was ini destitute circumstatices. The fain- ily had hitchhiked f roin Lansing to Mr- Osbohrn stated that the Dr. -Christie, with Mrs. I.1- Bl5iCÂN nurse in charge. Thursday, Aprit. 22, St. joseph s chool detal cinc, Dr. Chinnock, withi Miss' Hansen R.N in charge. Friday, April 23, HoWard-Logafl school dental clinic, Dr. Bass,. with Mrs. Stopka R.N. in charge. Jmnmunisation Cliniîcs .Dr. Martin Seifert, Wiimnette Health commissioner, will conduct an irn- munization clinic for the pre-school child, on. Monday, May 3, and Wednesday, May 5, at the Wlmette, Health Center, from -1 te 3 p.m. On Monday, May 3, from 1' to, 3 p>m., Dr. Seifert will give the Sçhick test to children from 2 to 5 years 3 pam., Dr. Seifert, Shaw, Pediatrician Health Center will theria toxiod to pi fromn 1 to 5 yearsi unable to pay for Health Center urge wsh to have. their zied to write or handled in th.is market, cash and carry prices, it is 1The fruits and vegetabt den-fresh and of first qu The grocerY. shelves ivith ail of t he everyda' inclucling a ývast number foods and dellicacies that shopping an adveftltt., EVery item in a jewel is backed by a Positive guaratitee, it is explailed Villagers- are invîted. ta inspect this new mneat def to take advantage of ni gains* being off ered, thp entire store, dring this RECO VERS PROM Mrs. MIolpheus .E Washington avfenep seriously ii, lias madea recovery and is loolcing taking part ini thé Pl; daughter's wedding on1 iermann iof ialty wil1 Ie rousselinede-soie dresses of 'Ye- ,at popular low. peach and blue were worn by is announced. ber three attendants, Miss Elizabeth bles, are gar- Faber, the m.Iaid of honor,- and the gality. bridesmiaids, Miss Bessie Bezdek, are stocked sister of the groomn, and Miss Kath- y necessitiest ernePape, sister of tbe bride. Miss r of unusuaýl Faber was in yejliow, Miss Bezdekin tmtakes food, peach. and Miss Pape ini blue. and ail carried ; bouquets of orchid sweet i Food, Store peas. money-back -Mrs., Pape chose a gowil of thistie d. lace,'and Mrs. Btezdek wore beige corne in and1 crepe. Both had shoulrbuut partment and of orchids.. uimerous .bar- Th'e wedding ceremony was per- roughout. the fornied at 9:30 o'clock at.St. Nicholas opening sale church in Evanston With the R!ev. W. J. Mockenhaupt .off iciating.,, The mass, durlng- the ceremofly, was sung ILLNESS by Niccoli Brerdinelli. A wedding Bertiing, 315 breakfast at the Ridgeview hotel for rho lias 1$ee1 the eddinig PtTtY ai3d immdiate a satisfactory families followed the ceremofly, and ýg forward to that evening a receptioni was helci lans for ber at the Pape homne. May 1. Misé Mr. Bezdek and bis bride are mo- orne the bride toning, through tbe south on their nmermafi, Jr., honeymon, and when tbey return William Zim- will be at home at 10064 La Crosse avenue, Nules Center. AL SclohksTests Mallinckrodt Higli ship ex.aminatiofls, .,Phf1, mrade ioint f school for wl the nor reason why tuberculosis continues to Lovera of N. orth Shore Liszt, Àlec Templeton, and the or- jil 9500 ospital beds and wby it- chestra;- Cantata, "The. Walrus. and dlaims 70,000 mnen, wormen and chi'- The complete program for the four- the Carpenter" Fletcher, the Chil- dren each year. day Northwestern University Festival, drens Chorus; "Sailor's Dance,- SWhen left to themselves, individ- May 11, 12, 13, and 15, ini Patten gym- f rom the Ballet, "'The Red Poppy, iuals consistently neglect their bodies, nasium was announced this week by by Gliere; a group of American1 eInstitute officials' stated. Moreover, Hans, Lange,, associate conductor of Folksongs for the Cbldren's Chorus, they refuse to take advantage of the Chi ago Symphonly orchestra n acsfo Pic gr"h f t eher 01 q.,r by Aguies e.and: Overtre,"by Quilter,I LUUVA test. ," sung C-irooks. 1 I I 1 tuDerc

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