FIVE MODEL COUNITRY'HOMES (Now und'e^r co nstruction) Q~ ILLENCOL' WlN NET KA These model homes, consist of seven, roo1 OS two and one haif balhsý, four b.drooms, and have ao recreation room in, the basement. Thoy'have a two-ca'r affached garage, po rches and terrace. Prices from $ 15,500 to $ 18,500 3IL~ WILMUTTL Our prog ram also includes building, and finanig to your plans and specificaf ions in this rigidly re- stricted development. .11 I Crystal Curtain Co....... Shower Curtains Chicago Evanston Glass & Paint Go ........ Glazing RL Hoyt Thompson Go......... Fimncing I. Horlick, Filmiore Paint Store .... .Painting 3I630 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago A. C. Kutz ............. ElIectric Vrin*g Wlnnetka 3678 -LLi 1l-H LL r1; APRIL 22. 1937 L 1 dl