Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1937, p. 50

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Large unis of -Easter lhues, snapdragons and stock,. in pink and white,, decoratied.the lounge of Shawnee Country club lasi Saturday evening for the w ed- 'ding receptioni of Miss Hiarriet Leach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert j. Leach, 630 Washing- ton, avenue, who. became the bride of Lewis Jae Bell, son. of Mr. and Mrs. R.. E. Bell, of 807 Cbestnut 'avenue. The wedding. ceremony took place at :8:30 o'clock in Glencoe. at the Church of St. Elisabeth before a, setting of green and' white.- Large baskets of white roses, snapdragons, and stock were placed before the chancel, and lghted candélabra cÔhi- pleted the decorations. The bride wore a wedding dress of white satin witb high neck, long sleeves and a train. Her tulle véil was - held ini place by a cluter of orange blossoms, and orange blos- soms and a shower of liles of the valley' fell froni the prayer book which she held during the cereznony. *White roses, Mies of the valley and p lace Saturday afternoon, ±May 1, a 4 o'clock,1 at Shawnee Country club. The servi ce will be :performed by the Rev. Gedrge P. Magili. The bride, who is, the daughter of M'%r.'and( Mrs, Lea J. Orr of 1002 Green- leaf avenue, will have but one attendant, her sster, Mary jane. Rqbert Edinger of Winnetka Will serve his, brother*.as best man. They. are the sons of Mr. and MNrs'. C. F. Edinger 6f 627 Gýar-ý land avenue. Koehne Photo 'Annbuescement has been maede of. the afiprocsching marriagr of Miss Louise Hebert, d4ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Hebert of the Edgewater Beach ho tel in Chicago, to Tom P. W. Smit h, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C". Smith, 123 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth. T'he uwdding tuiftake fplace a 3:30) Several ,, showers already have. been given in Wilniette in 'honor of the. bride. among them being theý miscellaneous shoriver at wbich Mrs. E. A., Gould of 9U2 Forest avenue entertained -seven- teen guests. The «Misses Janet and Dorris May- --hercy -,f 108' Third street gave'.a'sur~- prise household shower for ten guests 'on April 2, andon April 8, Mrs. Arthur Brooks of 124 Wooclbine avenue was hostess to fifteen at a kitchen shower. Another affair in honor of Miss Orr was the kitchen shower at .wbich Mrs. Archibalci Hooper of 923 L{nden ave-' nue was hostess recently. Twelve guests were present. In a wedding cerernony in the- Wriimette P.a r ish Methodist church at 8 Ï30 o,'cIock Saturday. evening, .May 1, M'iss.H'azel Koil, daughter: of Mrs. Henry ýJ,,Koli, 1412,Elmwoodavenue, wiil beome the bride of Arthuir Jacks.on Moss,. son, of,. Mr. and. Mr 1s. ,Harrv 'Moss of. Chicago. The Rex..\niýos Trhornbuirg xviiiïl officiate. irnmediately, foilowing the cerernony aL recepition xviii be, heid in the church parlor 'Miss Rhea Kol will attend hier sister as maid of bonoir, and the brides- maids will be Miss Dora Burrows of Witpnetka, Miss Marcia Smith of Evanston, and Miss Myrtie Koil, sis- teý of the bride. Hét 'y0Utger sis- ters, Betty Lou and Helen, 9 and 10 years old, wilI immediately precede the bride ini the processional to the altar. Harrison Townsend of Chicago is to be the best man and the ushers will be Charles Debes of Chicago, Franklin Hoînies of Evanston, and Norman Wipperfurtb of Wilmette. The entertaininoe in~ honor of the sftade and peach gloves ana u L4iea a bouquet of talisman, roses and iris. Mrs. Leach was in cream lace with brown accessories and a brown bat, and Mrs. Bell in lace of coronation blue andi a blue turban. Both wore shoulder bouquets of orchids. Tagk Leach of St. Louis. was the Urge EarIy Réservation for Ladîes Aid Luncheon Members and guests of the Womm an's Aid societv of the Wilniette large runimage sale W D be n d nurs- day, April 22, in the vacant store on Wilniette' avenue at Green Bay road.' Merchandise for aIl members of the family will he for sale. Anxong the special items will be a gas stove, an ice-box, furniture, toys, and many good articles of clothing. The doors will be open froni 7 in the morning until 6 'at night. Chicago. was Mar- Miss Rhea. will . entertair at a dinner da the Edirewatei and 'Miss Myrtie Koli, ,i.the enitire bridal.party anceSaturday, eening at of si No been set for the wed-. o'clock Thursclay, April 29, and beopen to mnembers and friends. will son': fparents, Dodgson of.J . tte Gordon Keith, 222 Ninth street, re- 1- turneti home Monday after spending Lh is spring vacation froni New Trier, High school in New Orleans. i

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