Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1937, p. 52

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With, the Con ference room having been, attrac tively ar- ranged for the aennual confer- ence of the Association of,,jutn- ior Leagues of AmIerica to be beld 'in: May, the general corn- mittee in charge of arrange- ments for the. two hostessý leagues, the Chicago and Evans- tont, Junior leagues, outlined plans fer the programn schedule at a 'recent mneeting. The convention. commences Mon- day morning, Mayî 17, at the Drake with registration and office hours, With regoal luncheons and meet- ings. Ther opening banquet takes plat-at the Palmer House that night. Infthe recvig1tUne for the.occasien wil1 be the four Association of Junior Leagues of America officers, and the presidents and the conferenc~e chair- men of the two bostess leagues. -On Tuesday, an. ail day meeting will be held at the Edgewater Beach hotel. Group meetings in the morn- ing wifl be followed by luncheon. That evening wilI be hostess night anld a broadcast by Mrs. Peter, Har- at the Chicago Historical society with an open forum by Mrs. Harvie.. A luncheon wil follow at which the ,;udge of the Association exhibit will eplain the system of awards. An op en forum will take - place- in the: afternoon. Nine regional dinners will ha, hel that nioht, part of them in neAL are annuunc' a> i-iouw- Link F. of whicb Mrs. Percy H. Arden is leader, will be entertained on Thursday, April, 29, for luncheon at the home of AMrs. ýE. E. McDow, 1615 Highland. avenue. The change in date is on accout1 of the Runimage sale sponsored by the Women's ,ociety Thursday of this. week at Wilmette ave- nue, near Green. Bay road. Mrs. W. .0. Haas is chairmanl. Link R. Mr's. C. C. Clarke. leal-r. is mneeting.Frîday, April 23, at. the home of Mre. C. P. Dubbs. 1004 'Michi- gan avenue. Link 1L Mrs, . E.I. Kerr. leader,. will also mteet on> Friday of this: week. Mrs. David Nel son. ni 921 Elmwood avenue will be hostess. as- sisted by Mrs. H. D. Nelson. , Link E, Mrs. E. Lascellesq' Tiîk, meets F~riday, April 23. with Mrs. R. Stephens. 2134 Çhestnut ,ayven»ue tle hostess, V.rs. D. D. Temporal1 the co>- hostess. Link N, its leader Mfrs. J,.'M. Davis. lias postponed its meeting until Frida. April 30. Mrs. C. V. Clark, 2513 Park place, north Evanston, is to he the hostess. Link D, of which Mrs. H. A. Sinithi is leader, nieets on Fridav of this week at the home of Mrs. A. C. YVoung- berg, 1004 Hibhard road. The aniual meeting of the Wom- ans College Board of Chicago will be held Tuesday afternoon, April 27. at 12 o'clock. at the Chicago Athletic association. 12 South 'Michigan ave- nue. Upon that occasion Miss Helen Mi. Bennett will discuss. "Out of the Kaleidoscope." T.1The Wm2r's Colleiz board corn- .4Iiss M1argaret Iversoli, daligtcr of Mr. and Mrs. I.eClie A. Fitz. e)2 .fa ple avenue, has be'» initiated i nttý Delta Delta Delta sorority at *Kapisas State college, .1anlittan. Kansas, zcherc vuei is a freshmnan. been spending six weeks in Fkiorida. have returned' to the north shore. Accoimpanied by - Mrs. Lee's mother, Mrs. Leonard Sieben of Geneseo. I.11., the.y notored dowîi the 'west- coast of Florida. across the Tamniamni trait and. up. the east coast to Hollv- IV 1 1%01M 5--w Bake Sale May 81 The Hi-Grade market, 2010 Central avenue, Evanstoni, bas been chosen as the location for, .the Southern Bake ýsale to- be held Saturday,' May 8, by 'the Friends of Lake Bluff Qrphan- age. The sale will be in charge of MUrs. James H. Prindie. chair- mnail. Mrs. William P.. Shap- legh irs. Ralph Sorenison, Mrs. Williain A. but.stromi, -and *Mrs. Harry L. Whittier. The report of the nomninating coni- Mittee, headed. by Mrs. Clarence, H. SShaver of Glencoc, will be presented at the board meéeting toý be held Mon-" day, April 26, at 2 o',clock at the home of Mrs. Donald S. Palimer, 1817 Mon- roe street, Evanston. Election wilI take' place at. the 'môftilhy Îiieetlg, the date of which lias recently been changed to Monday, May 3. The retiring oficers and çommittee chairmen of the organization are: Mrs. Vilas Johnson, president; Mrs. James H. Prinidie, vice-president; Mrs. Kenneth Brush, recording sec- retary; Mrs. Bower Miunroe, cor- respon ding secretary; Mrs. Ralph F. T-Tuck. tréasurer; Mrs. Martin B. social service chairman; Mrs. C-I A. Packard, project chairman; Donald S. Palmer, co-chairman. Phi Delta Auxiliary toHa okRve Mrs. Fred Siegel, Leroy, of Wisconsin itîn~g her mnother, Steiner, Sr., of l4ý1 uue this week Clubs?". were sandwiches, and dessert. E 1' serving voi

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