W TSloi nUMW P PI detail tbe work that bas been done in transforming the marsh lands into, a beautiful park for public usec . H( stated that when conipleted the pari' wiII comprise 800 or 900 acres, with lagoons and hiking trails that wiII delight the hearts of nature loyers. Assisting Mr. Asbley was J. Frank- lin Nelson, who bas made a photo- graphic bistory ofthe proj ect from its. inception mnder the caption. "Building Men and Parks."' Many of these moving pictures were ex- hibited, together with aerial views. Both speake rs stated that this proj- ect is the most ambitious *ever at- tenpftd on the north shore, and wil reinain an invaluable',heritage for many generations, as a sanctuary for. wild life and outdoor recreation. rce, c AI. jei onduct ront The womafl inquired, "which ,bathroon,* the 'large 'one or the sinaIlt. one?" Aftr heroom was cleaned, Mrs. Russo, prepared for ber bath.. While sh 1e was so engaged, the colored womf- aàn went 'intober bedrooim and,,ex-ý tracted a metal. box fror a. dresser drawer. *lmmersinig it in ai pail of water, she ýéarri.ed it downstairs, put on ber coat, concealed the boxuùnder-. neath it, and departed, the time-.be.- ing, Il o'clock just three hours after' entering, the bouse. Police' were notifled 'and began ail investigation, the letter. of recomh- mendation prompinig them to make inquiries in Milwaukee. Among pho- tographs supplied by the Milwaukee police was one which Mrs. Russo partially identfid. ,No trae of the~ woman bas as yet been found. The metal box contained, besides $300 in currency, three bank books. and diamond jewelry, watches anti other articles to the value of $1,060. Idreas shining cl.mued. * Tacked carpets are caned on your floor by special machiuery --rcstoring the life and color t. iMen's Hose elected and was succeeded by EarI '. Moon. After the election of of- ýers and, selection of cominittee airmen, the- class was entertained a series of moving pictures, among erm pictures showing scenes taken ring a trip tbrough the land of the tecs in Old Mexico; Mr. KeIlar's I EL1VNRED 10E COL» WIME1TEIE iCOt wILn..3 1148 Wilmette Ave. WigInetka687- Over El Q su ar ~e r ef