Dawes, D. J. Evans, J. S. Hummer, F~. E. jack, Judge John P. McGoorty, Judge: William H. McSurely., A. N. Marquis, John. Passmore. Tobias. Schaflfarber, C. H., Scholle,' B. E. Schonthal, and Gen. 'Leroy T. Stew%- arci. STEAL CAR Burgiars entered the garagelof the mi Aero Motor Service, 721 Green Bay, road, Tuesday night, and pilfered a coupe. In getting it out they moved another car, and the police depart- ment expects to Qti igrpit BACK D RyÀ MO EYmBACU IARAE .as an aid to identification -of the cul-_ o)NM Minor Ailments May a Fu ibu nTu iDMMOAia thTu By D. S. Lyman of the Ly~umnPharmacy iMany a porson ha pald a severe penalty becaûse he belleved that the. j sinail dIfficulty which wàs troubllng him was a "'minor aliment."1 Minor alimenti are Indica.tions of more evr afflictions tofollow un- iess prompt, measures are takon to provent the onslaught of dlseaise. Niover consider any aliment ai 0 0 0 0 inor ln characer. At ali vnts ponsuit a. Ôonptpflt doctor for. ad- vice. Tii.ecst of a consultatinfe Is slight ooirpared to thie dra4i on theo'purse if the. minor pomplairit -A S H 1turns out to bo a. major disoase. A doctor'î advice usually Includes a prescription and here again It Is the better part of wlîdoin to be sure that your druggist knowî his busi- ness, coiounds his prescriptions of pure frésh Gruge and hs thoroughly reliabie. This le the aeventh of a sere of Editorial ,Advertisenents appeating in ibis paper each > 419 Liudàu Ave. Wi.40