Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1937, p. 12

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SUflIOAT SEVICE~S ýA:5 a. m.I Chrc chool Moning worship a l ... Junior Luther league 3P. ni. The music for the Service next Sunday Morning is as follows: Choral Prelude, froni "Sleeper,4, Wake", 1 . ....e.... . .. .. ...... .Bach Anthem-T Heard the, Voice of 3esus Bay ......... Lszt-SchYeker Th.e Senior- Choir »uet-L .ike asthe Hart . ...Novello Frederlck Kalinka and Richard Sachse POEtlude-Prelude and Fugue, in G Minor ............. ..Bach *Victoria McLèod-MiflstrY. of Nlu!lc On Thursday> atternoon of this ýWeeki the Winal'5socieiY'wlll-eonduct a Mis-, sion 8tudy, class at the pgrsoflage at 21 ocloek. The book usedis "A Preface to Racial UnderstandiflgY Senior choir rehearsai, Thur.4day, eve- ning at 7,30 o'clock. *Junior choir rehearsal, Saturday Morn- In at 10 oclok. The Church iehool convefles, each Sun- day morning at 9 :4.5 o'clock. There are ekumwsfoir.al1 age., e invite you to enrol l I our Church scihool. The Meditation for the. service of worshlp next Sunday mrnrfing, the Flfth Sunday after Easter, will be based on the Epistie lesson for the day, James 'i1:22-27. The Junior Luther league wlll nieet on Bunday afternoofl at 3 o'clock. Thie topic will be presented by Shirley FIL. This ---h té- suiet o, ur topics Is Day, xne et. at the church 1Last Sunday was obse'rved as P-011 0,a11 Day> wlth responses froni membei'5 living in other states, and a ' fine closing service for the church fiscal year. 'Re- ports. from aLIl ar-tivittes are solî.clted, and should be 'given promptly té the pastor or the comfittee on annual meet-. ing, C. V. Clark, Benjamin. Jacobsoni, MJrs.. H. J. Dernehl, Mrs. G. N. Lamb,ý Mrs. A. C. Youngberg, and H. A. Bush. Trhe annuai meeting- will be held On : WedflesdaY, May 19, with a banquet and a, delightful' reunion, of the church. The nominating commiittéee consists of J. 1). Dinigle, MIrs. . D. Millard, E. W. Roberts and G, B. Wili ims. The. Woman's society will hold ' its annual luncheon and election a, week earlier, on Fniday, May 14. Trhere will he.a summary, of-the years activities. entitled -A Su>rveyof the Rtoads," and new officers will be elected., Many Wilmette people are looklng forward to the Baptist-'Centenniial cele- bration at Orchestra Hall on 'rûesday evening, -May 11., Delegates freim this churchi e3fh H., .- a seC.:V Clark, J. D. Diiigle-, W. C. Mathews and Miss Marion 'Àlfison. At ieast fifty viýiitors are expected to acconlpafly thern. An original pageant, , choirs of many nationalities and a message by. Dr. Luther Wesley Smith malce a big ap- peal. The No(,rthurn Baptist convention will be held. in Phladeiphia May 20 to 25. Our mninistUr. bas been chosen for the four -morning dievotional addresses, It is hoped that we may have a delegation of at least five members. The ;'irScoûuts mneet at Wednesday e.veniyigs. The -choir will re-hearse at the church Friday eveflifgs. The ,Sunday- school officei'5 and teach-4 ers will mneet mond ay eveniflg, May 10# at the home of the supenintendelit, Lin- co--in C. Torrey, 1341, lmIVnoôd avenue., TÉhe choir and Tuxis grOUPS Ill' pre-. sent two plays . FridaY, evenuig, gay 14, at the church. The Chi cago Chnistiaft Industrial league will partîcipate in 'Tag Day, Mon- day, May 3.. Workers are needed. St. John's Luthera .n. Wiimette and Park avenues J. HA. Gockei, pastor SERYICES 9 :15 a. m.-First service. 9:30j a. mnt-Sunday schooi and Bible classes. 10:~40 a. m.---Preparatory service for Holy Communion. il a. mi.-Second service, with Hoiy Communion. -MEETINiGS Linen circie, today, 2 P. m., with Mrs. G. F. Simoxis, 234 l7th street. Open bouse, today, 7 to il-".M. Churcli couricil, Tuesday, 8 p. n. St. Autgustine Dr. Hubert Carleton,' rector Sunday, 'May '2, will be thé fiý-st Sun- day- of the mnth, and the fifth Suý,inday after Easter. There ivili. be Holy- Con.- muniofi at 8 a., mf., Churcli s(ct'l and Bible, classes at 9 :45, and lloly Coin-, muflion'with sermon at il a. ni. The first Sunday of the tnonth iýý th,, Communion SundaY for the. Boys' and Girls" Comnmunion leagues. v!Members of the leagues are expected to make thêir, e :ommunionis at elther. the 8 or il a. in. Saturday, May 1, thei Chuirci coni- ,memorates the feast of St. Philip and St. 'Jamies§. There 'will be Hlolv oi pignion at.8 a. m The Rummage sale of the Associated GQuilds -wili be held on Thursday, May 6. Please send articles and clothing to the Parish House not later than May 5. Mrs. S. Y- Jorjorian, telephone Willmette. 4448, is in, charge.. The South circle of the Associated G-uidW -wilUi eet for a S~alad Bridge at the homne of Mrs. J. V. A. Ture~k, 522 Liliden avenue, b)eginniig.-at 1I clonk, Friday, April 30. First Con gregational Lake aen-ue ,at Wilmette avenue The Rev. John' G. Hindley, mninister "Standing Fast in the Faithi" will be the Rev. Mr. Hindley's sermon thiem-e next Sunday. morning at the 311 o'ciock 11, at 8 O iIOvK. The Brownie Pack willi meet on Mon- day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Trhe Church council will meet on Tues- day evenlng at 8 oclock. The exercises oôf Comhmencement Week years. Our young peopl ie Ill ee- Lgt .... ........Alto peciaiiy interested in bis message, and Lgl FistPresbyterin ta en htas h prnso u ana er Ninth steet meaneen'thatvenueoythe peope. 4 ofor Postlude-Allegro froi ifth Nint ateetat reeneafaveue oufl pepie , ymphony................. Wdor James T Venekiasen,. minister..- -Announcements for' Sunday's Com Themininer iiil~eac atth mon-munion service willi De received 'at the Our Church achool iîneets for. woi'sbip Theminste wil reah a th mon-parsonage tomorrow evening frorn 1 to and study at 9:30 every Sun'day.' The ing worship service at il o'cIock on thle 9'îC Beginners meet in the Kindergartefl theme, "Prayer in Critical Tmes." We 9. oclc. Room at'11 a. mi. The World Friendship invite. ypu to worship with us. 'Next Sunday, May 9 at 4 p. in., the group which mneets in the Bertha * .' children's chorus of St. Stephen's Luh Wheelock Hall during the m~orniiig f.h reh sp vic is min fi g s represefl- u4- '. C- in thel TheS eat pray- 1I ng of Se si ýe reerve this date Thur dinner and annual meet- parti church, wiil be held on I at 5: ý- TheM ýeI nesday ichapel. [ylng th lhe

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