,worship service. Thie service begins with thé organ prelude at 10:45 .o'clock. The special nwmusic for the service will be as foilows:, Organ (10 :45)-"Allegro mraestoso", "Adagio- (VISymphonie)...Widor Marie Briel Ifiroit-'Sanctus........Marie Briel Anthenm--Bléss Thou the Lord, O M S................ ... Ivanof, *Offertory Solo-'î . vil.Ilift -up mine'.. *eyes unto the hilis",.... . ... . . Evilie * Florence Farrar Organ PostIude-*,"DorIc Toccata"................Bach There -is -a nursery where snxal chl-< dren imay be cared foi duringý the worship) service. The Church school mneets -Sunday morninig at 9 :30. New- enroilnents mnay, be made at any time. The Intermediate- Epworth league wfll. rneet Sunday at 5 :15 oclock. ,meets Sunday evenings at 6 o'clock. The Senior Young People's group,t for youilg people above high school age,t will meet Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'clock. The Chorus choir meets for rehearsai this evenirlg (Thursday) at 8 o'eioek in the Junior room, under the direction of Miss Marie Briel. The Church Membership classes foi'r Junior and Intermnediate boys and girls meet on Pridays at 3:5 o.A ok. Mp M. rroloff Photo: Miss Lulita Hagen, 159 Abingdon avellue,..Keniiwcorth, wilI take the titie role in the Presentation of George Bernard ShaWs play, <'oan of Arc " at the Nichols school, .Ev- anistont, May ý8, when it is pre.sen ted by Dorothy. Proech. Mugie I Give rtment to leduversniip oli rs. Lai nidquist Wagner and Mrs. k, wil present a concert, evening. of next week, nasium of the Howards ncer avenue aind Sevew et. he monev raised liv the n Boneless rolled, . lb.... &diC Tho>roughly aged, very. juicy, tender, and savory,29 6th and 7th ribs .... . lb.29 PORK LOIN RoAser Cut from tender, young corni-fed porkers, 3-lls. average . ..1. Finest of prime beef, Ail POT ROASTseec uiens, 24 c A P, S. Fancy dressed, tender, plump, 39 mlfed, 6 to 7-lb s. average lb. FRYINC CHICKENS Fancy dressed, tender1 and flavorsome, 3 3-Is.,aerage..........................i.3 'Lamb )&Y di 8 to 9 lbe. avg. ACE caught, bIAIUUJ. whu carne rom the vvumette LosaasbetordÏtio . The, First division is meeting today schools, about 12 were given their oshrt as estfr'dsr o (Thursday> at the home Ôf Mrs. W. P. fshortsicacakat .nthi..a......r Varney; 1026 Greenwood avenue. frtmsclsati hswy ........ ........2 fr lC The orchestra lias made a number PI A PL . Luscloiis fruit that'soothes sore throats. Medium> size. A dinner to celebrate the fiteenth an- of frequent appearances in other Big ic, eel Chetwih.......e...ht 2 29 niversary of Boy Scout Troop 3 of this schools, Niles Center, Highland1 Park, eit...................................... 2for29 chureh will be heid tomorrow eveningam gthA* f*u Tneaigre- (Friday> at 6:30 o'ciock in the, GreatXinn etka, and Glencoe aogtem. SAR S.Tede, l rgebun Hll. 1-lb. ue,1lag bunch............ 39c The summer session of Illinois We5 M MOET S.LUI f PEAS. bweet and tender f.......... ............ .... 2 ls 19C iean uîvrstywii e held at the -r n Mrs. Robert Venables Mthodist Camp Grounds at DeePflaines Golf are movitig this week to St. UL-n u am~un Tq...", ri Scout Troop 2-Thursdays .at aro, P. mi. rl Scout Troop 4-'ruesdays at 3:45 t/zL3 ýwnie Pack 1-.Wednesdays at 3:30 Hu' y Scout Troop 3-ThursdaYs at P. M. RIBROA&ST.0F -BIEF I.-