cial* chairman, with, whom the luncheon reservations. are. being nmade . Luncheoný is at L. Mrs. C. A. Carpenter will have charge of flower. arrangements for the tables, Harriet Allyn, of Chicago, a welI k nown talented dramatic artist and im- personator, wiIl be the reader. The prograin has been arrànged&by Mrs. I1I. S.Davýidson. Mrs. Clifton,,I.. Darling is,,thë presi- (lent of the guild-F. B. M.- Maxine Sfefson lo Read .Broadway "'Hit" a+ Club Mfiss Maxine Stetson, a mieniber of t le Thireshol d Plaves o lno tnd of th e Pfaers guild of FEvans- ýot, s t gve heprograin at a MNav da arty of the C i'cago Collegte club, at IlI O'clock Saturday mnornhîiig. May 1. Miss Stetson will read- "Toarih,"a current Broadway favorite. This play, adapted froin the Frenich of' Jacques Deval by Robert E. Sherwood, is an amusing coinedy coniccriing Russian exiles. The library and draina comnittece mebers will be die hostesses 2t thi III Daguerre Studio A luncheon mieetin g of the North Shore Alui»mae of Delta Gaý>nrna takes plae Monjda yMay 3, wi4tl Mr..Miner Jewell Dick opening her honte at 1206 Tower >road, WVin- neika for the evet. Dejgateý to club Mes. Charles 0. Main, 1040 Forest, avenue, is in Tulsa, Okia., attending the counicil meeting of the General Federation of Women's Clubs cuir-. rent from April 26-May 1. Mrs. 'Main is the, delegate of the Womnan's club of Wilmette. announces the opening on May first of completely equipped Optometric offices in the Linden - Manor Building, .10 99 Merrili Street, Hubbard Woods. Con- veniently located on the ground floor just west of Linden Avenue. You are cordially invited to' visit these new offces Hours 8:s30, a. M. to 12 mi.-,l to 5 p. M. Telephone Winnetka 995 Examinations 8:30 a.-im. to poon Other hours by appointment only CHICAGO OFFICE 2401-5 Lawrence Avenue TELEPHONE LONgbeach 224.9 Hastings Y. M. C.A. Camp ""WHERE A YOUNG FELLOW'S DREAMS COME TRUE" Owned and Operated by the 4251 Irving Bld, 000,